Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education in Ghana

Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education in Ghana

In Ghana, teacher education is a crucial component of the national development agenda. As Ghana seeks to achieve its goal of becoming a middle-income country by 2030, it recognizes the importance of investing in its human capital.

As such, the government has prioritized the training and professional development of teachers in order to improve student learning outcomes and contribute to sustainable economic growth. One institution that has played a significant role in teacher education in Ghana is the Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education.

Read also: Comprehensive List of Colleges of Education in Ghana

Located in Amedzofe, in the Volta Region of Ghana, this institution has been providing quality teacher education since 1946. Over the years, it has trained thousands of teachers who have gone on to make significant contributions to education in Ghana.

Brief History of Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education

Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education was founded as an elementary school by German missionaries in 1914. In 1946, it was converted into a teacher training college with the primary aim of training teachers for rural areas. The college started with only four students but soon grew into a reputable institution with an impressive track record.

In 1986, Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education became one of the first Colleges of Education to be affiliated with the University of Cape Coast. This affiliation enhanced its standing as a provider of quality teacher education and enabled it to offer diploma and degree programs.

Importance Of Teacher Education In Ghana

Teacher education is crucial for national development because educators play a critical role in shaping individuals who will eventually become leaders and contribute positively towards advancing socioeconomic growth. Teachers are responsible for nurturing young minds and creating an environment where they can learn effectively.

Moreover, effective teaching contributes significantly towards improving student learning outcomes which ultimately leads to higher productivity levels among citizens leading to the country’s development. As such, the government of Ghana has prioritized teacher education as a critical component of its development agenda.

Purpose Of The Outline

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education and highlight its significance in teacher education in Ghana. It will also outline the different programs offered at the institution, faculty qualifications, student life, facilities and resources available, and the admissions process. This article seeks to inform potential applicants about everything they need to know about Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education before enrolling.

Overview of Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education

Location and Campus Facilities

Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education (EPCE) is a prestigious institution located in Amedzofe, a town in the Volta Region of Ghana. The college is situated on a beautiful hilltop, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys. The campus spans over 40 hectares and is well-maintained with lush greenery, gardens, and lawns.

The campus also features modern facilities such as lecture halls, administrative buildings, and student hostels. The college’s location makes it an ideal place for students who want to immerse themselves in nature while pursuing their studies.

Students have access to hiking trails and other outdoor activities that enrich their overall learning experience. Additionally, the college is situated near several historical sites such as the Wli Waterfalls and Mount Afadjato, making it easy for students to explore Ghana’s rich culture during their free time.

Accreditation and Affiliations

EPCE has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB) since 1969. The college is also affiliated with some of Ghana’s most prestigious universities such as the University of Cape Coast (UCC), University of Education Winneba (UEW), and University of Ghana (UG), among others. These affiliations have helped EPCE maintain its reputation as one of Ghana’s finest teacher training institutions by providing access to resources that enhance both teaching quality and student learning outcomes.

Programs Offered

EPCE offers various degree programs in Basic Education at both diploma and bachelor’s levels. These programs are designed to prepare students for careers in teaching at all levels including Early Childhood Care Development (ECCD), Primary School education, and Junior High School education, among others.

The Bachelor’s Degree program combines theory-based learning and real-world experience through practical teaching placements in schools, allowing students to gain hands-on teaching experience. The diploma programs offer a more focused education and can be completed in a shorter period of time.

EPCE also offers certificate programs in Early Childhood Care Development (ECCD), which is designed for individuals who wish to specialize in child care but do not want to pursue a full degree program. The certificate program is recognized by the Ghana Education Service and opens up opportunities for graduates to work with daycare centers or start their own preschools.

EPCE offers various programs that cater to different career paths within the teaching profession. With its beautiful campus, well-established affiliations, and comprehensive academic offerings, EPCE is the ideal institution for students seeking an excellent education in Ghana’s teacher training space.

Teacher Education Programs at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education

Bachelor’s Degree in Basic Education

The Bachelor of Education degree program at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education is a four-year course designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to teach at the basic level. The program is offered in three different areas of specialization: Early Childhood, Primary, and Junior High School.

Students have the option to choose their area of focus based on their preferred age group for teaching. The curriculum for each area of specialization covers core courses such as educational psychology, curriculum development, and classroom management.

In addition to these courses, students are also required to complete teaching practicums where they gain hands-on experience in diverse classroom settings. Upon graduation, students are eligible for licensure by the Ghanaian Ministry of Education.

Diploma in Basic Education

The Diploma in Basic Education program is a three-year course that provides students with foundational knowledge and skills required for teaching at the basic level. The program is offered in three different areas: Early Childhood, Primary, and Junior High School. Core courses include educational psychology, child development, communication skills, and classroom management.

Students are also required to complete teaching practicums where they gain practical experience under supervision. Upon graduation from this program, students are qualified for licensure by the Ghanaian Ministry of Education.

Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Development

The Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) program is designed for individuals who want to work with young children or establish their own childcare facilities. The program has a duration of two years. Students learn about the growth patterns and developmental milestones that occur during early childhood years along with strategies for creating safe learning environments that promote cognitive development and socialization.

Graduates can find employment opportunities as daycare workers or establish their own childcare facilities. The teacher education programs at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education are designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective teachers.

The programs offer diverse areas of specialization that cater to different age groups and teaching needs. With experienced faculty members and hands-on training opportunities, students are well-prepared to make a positive impact on Ghana’s educational landscape.

Faculty and Staff at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education

Qualifications and experience of faculty members

Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education has a team of highly qualified faculty members who are dedicated to helping their students achieve academic success. The college prides itself on having an experienced and knowledgeable staff, which is evident in their credentials and experience.

The faculty members have all earned at least a master’s degree in education or a related field, with many of them holding PhDs in their respective areas of expertise. In addition to their educational achievements, the faculty members have years of experience teaching at the primary and secondary levels.

Many have also conducted extensive research in the fields of education, child development, and pedagogy. Their wealth of knowledge is not only imparted through classroom lectures but also through mentorship programs that allow students to receive one-on-one guidance from experts in the field.

Support staff roles

The support staff at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education plays an integral role in ensuring that the college runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis. The administrative staff helps with student enrollment, admissions, financial aid applications, and other administrative tasks that are essential for the smooth running of the institution. The non-teaching support staff includes clerks, librarians, laboratory assistants, and technicians for the computer science/ICT section amongst others who assist both students and lecturers within various departments.

Moreover, Evangelical Presbyterian College provides job opportunities for recent graduates or those seeking employment opportunities as assistant lecturers or teachers-in-training which further strengthens its community by providing them with opportunities to develop professionally whilst acquiring hands-on experience needed for future career endeavors.

Overall, Evangelical Presbyterian College’s commitment to hiring experienced personnel coupled with its commitment to creating employment policies & procedures that align with best practices ensures that students receive high-quality education delivered by highly-qualified expert educators committed to student success.

Student Life at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education

Campus Culture and Traditions

The campus culture at the Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education is known for its warm and welcoming atmosphere. Students who attend the college are encouraged to participate in campus-wide events such as cultural festivals, sports activities, and community service projects.

These events help to foster a sense of unity among students from different backgrounds and promote a family-like environment on campus. Additionally, the college has strict policies on alcohol and drug use which create a safe space for all students.

One tradition that stands out at the Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education is the annual “Lolobi Day” celebration. This is an event where students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the surrounding community come together to celebrate Lolobi -the town where the college is located- by showcasing their cultural heritage through traditional music, dance performances, shows, dressings showcasing various cultures in Ghana.

Extracurricular Activities

Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education offers a wide range of extracurricular activities for students to engage in outside of academic studies. These activities include sports (football basketball table tennis etc.), clubs (debate clubs), music groups (choral groups), drama clubs, etc., all aiming to enrich student life while they acquire knowledge in preparation for their future roles as educators.

Students can join these clubs or groups based on their interests or hobbies. This provides an opportunity for them to make friends with other like-minded individuals who share similar interests while developing skills such as teamwork, leadership creativity critical thinking, etc..

Student Organizations

There are several student organizations at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education that cater to different interests ranging from academic-focused organizations like “The Mathematics Society” and “The Science Club,” to religious-based organizations like “Scripture Union” offering training programs to develop Christian leadership abilities and social clubs like “Drama Club” and “Music Club”. These student organizations are run by elected student leaders who strive to create an environment of growth and development for all members.

They organize events such as seminars, workshops, talks, and debates which provide a platform for students to network with professionals and peers alike. The Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education offers a vibrant campus life beyond the classroom.

The college provides students with opportunities to engage in various extracurricular activities through clubs and organizations which promote personal growth and development while creating lasting friendships. The campus culture is welcoming, safe, and respectful of different cultures while providing a conducive learning experience that will remain memorable for years after graduation.

Facilities and Resources at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education

Library Resources

The library at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education is a great resource for students looking to expand their knowledge and access academic materials. The library has a wide range of texts, journals, and research papers that are relevant to the programs offered by the college. The library’s collection is updated regularly to ensure that students have access to the most current information available.

In addition to physical books, the library also offers digital resources such as e-books, e-journals, and online databases. Students can access these resources from any location with internet connectivity using their login credentials.

The college also has a dedicated team of librarians who are available to assist students with research and provide guidance on how to use different resources effectively. Overall, the library at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education is an invaluable asset for students seeking quality education.

Computer Labs

To keep up with the changing trends in technology and prepare students for real-world scenarios in an increasingly digitized world, Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education provides computer labs equipped with modern computers running up-to-date software. These labs are accessible 24/7 which means that students can work individually or collaboratively whenever they want without limitations. The college invests heavily in maintaining its computer labs so that they remain in optimal condition throughout the year.

High-speed internet connectivity allows students to browse online resources such as e-books while collaborating on projects online without disruptions or delays. Moreover, Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education provides IT support services accessible by email or phone which ensures that all computer lab users have reliable technical support when needed.

Sports Facilities

Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education believes that sports play a critical role in shaping character traits such as teamwork, leadership skills, and self-discipline among others. To this end, it provides state-of-the-art sports facilities to enable students to engage in various physical activities such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, and athletics among others.

The college has a well-maintained sports field, a gymnasium, tennis courts, and a fully equipped fitness center. The facilities are managed by experienced coaches and trainers who offer guidance and support to students interested in sports.

This helps students acquire invaluable skills outside of the classroom while providing an opportunity for exercise that promotes health and well-being. Overall, Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education’s sports facilities provides students with the opportunity to balance academic pursuits with co-curricular activities from which they develop personal growth that will benefit them in their future endeavors.

Admissions Process for Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education

Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education seeks to admit candidates who have the potential to become excellent teachers and contribute positively to the development of Ghanaian society. Prospective students must meet certain requirements before they can be considered for admission.

Application Requirements

The application process is highly competitive and requires applicants to meet specific requirements. The college offers various programs such as Bachelor’s Degree in Basic Education (Early Childhood, Primary, Junior High School), Diploma in Basic Education (Early Childhood, Primary, Junior High School), and Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Development.

In general, candidates must possess the following:

  • A minimum of six (6) credits at WASSCE or SSSCE level including English Language and Mathematics.
  • A pass in a written examination conducted by the college.
  • An interview with a panel set up by the college.
  • The ability to demonstrate good character during an interview with authorities at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education.

Prospective students must apply through the online admissions portal or purchase application forms from designated post offices across Ghana. Application fees vary depending on the program applied for. Applicants must complete all required sections of the application form accurately and submit it before the deadline specified by the college.

Application Deadlines

The admissions process at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education has specific deadlines that applicants must abide by strictly. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications well ahead of time to avoid any last-minute complications that may arise due to technical or logistical issues.

The deadline for submission varies depending on whether an applicant is applying as a regular student or as a mature applicant. Regular student application submissions typically end in June while mature applicant submissions end in May.

It is crucial for applicants to keep an eye on the college’s website, admissions portal, and other official communication channels to stay informed about deadlines and other essential information regarding the admissions process. Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education prides itself on a transparent admissions process that allows all eligible candidates an equal opportunity to be admitted into its programs.

Financial Aid Opportunities for Students at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education


Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education offers scholarship opportunities to help students pay for their education. These scholarships are awarded based on various criteria, including academic merit, financial need, and community involvement.

The college offers a range of scholarships, including the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship and the International Student Scholarship. Other scholarships include the Sports Scholarship and the Leadership Award.

The Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship recognizes students who have achieved outstanding academic performance in their previous studies. The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses for up to four years.

The International Student Scholarship is awarded to international students who exhibit excellent academic performance in their previous studies. It covers a portion of tuition fees.


In addition to scholarships, Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education offers grants to help students pay for their education. Grants are awarded based on financial need and academic achievement. Some grants include the Ghana Educational Trust Fund (GETFund) grant and the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) grant.

The Ghana Educational Trust Fund (GETFund) is a government agency that provides financial assistance to needy but brilliant students pursuing tertiary education in Ghana. The Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) grant is a social intervention program that provides cash transfers to poor households with vulnerable members.


Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education provides various financial aid opportunities to help students pursue their education without worrying about finances. From scholarships to grants, there are several ways that students can fund their studies at this institution.

By providing these opportunities, the college ensures that deserving students have access to quality education regardless of their financial backgrounds or circumstances. Therefore, if you’re considering enrolling at Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education but are worried about finances, explore the financial aid options available to you and take advantage of them to reach your academic goals.

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