Akrokerri College of Education: Nurturing the Minds of Future Leaders

Akrokerri College of Education is a tertiary institution located at Akrokerri in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Established in 1955, it is one of the oldest colleges of education in Ghana. The college was initially established as a teacher-training college by the Presbyterian Church with the main goal of training teachers to meet the growing demand for skilled teachers in Ghana’s educational sector.

The institution has come a long way since its inception and has undergone various transformations over the years. In 1983, it was absorbed into the public sector and subsequently transferred to government ownership in 1996, becoming one of many public colleges of education established across Ghana.

The Importance of Teacher Education in Ghana

Teacher education plays a critical role in shaping and molding individuals who will later become responsible for educating future generations. In Ghana, teacher education is regarded as an essential part of national development due to its significant impact on human resource development and economic growth.

One key aspect that makes teacher education important is that it helps to equip individuals with specialized skills and techniques that are necessary for effective teaching and learning processes. Teachers who are well-trained are better equipped to transfer knowledge effectively, communicate more efficiently with learners, and effectively evaluate student progress while maintaining positive relationships with students.

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Furthermore, quality teacher education also ensures that citizens receive an equal level of access to educational facilities regardless of geographical location or socioeconomic status. This allows all students access to high-quality teaching which ensures they have an equal opportunity to excel academically and contribute positively towards national development.

Purpose Of This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide interested individuals with detailed information about Akrokerri College Of Education. The article aims at highlighting various aspects such as academic programs offered by the institution along with faculty members’ qualifications, student life experiences on campus as well as important information relating to the institution’s history and geographic location.

By providing detailed information relating to the college’s operations, we hope to create awareness of its importance in Ghana’s educational sector, foster a better understanding of teacher education, and provide relevant guidance to individuals who may be interested in enrolling at Akrokerri College of Education.

Location and Campus

The geographical location of Akrokerri College of Education

Akrokerri College of Education is located in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Specifically, it is situated in the town of Akrokerri which is about 16 kilometers from Adansi North District capital, Fomena. The college is accessible by both road and rail.

To access the campus by road from Kumasi, one would use either the Kumasi-Obuasi or the Kumasi-Fomena highway. The nearest railway station to Akrokerri College of Education is Obuasi Railway Station which is about 10 kilometers away.

Campus facilities and infrastructure

Akrokerri College of Education has a well-equipped campus that provides a conducive environment for teaching and learning. The college has invested heavily in modern facilities to ensure that students have access to resources that will enhance their academic experience.


The classrooms at Akrokerri College of Education are spacious and well-lit, providing an ideal environment for learning. Each classroom is equipped with whiteboards, projectors, and other state-of-the-art teaching aids to make lessons more interactive.


The library at Akrokerri College of Education houses an extensive collection of books covering various academic disciplines such as education, history, and literature among others. Besides books, the library has computers with internet connectivity that students can use for research purposes.


Science courses at Akrokerri College of Education are taught in well-equipped laboratories that have modern equipment such as microscopes, and test tubes among others.

Hostel accommodation

Akrokerri College of Education provides on-campus hostel accommodation for its students. The hostels are spacious and provide a comfortable stay for students who may be coming from far away. In addition, the college provides dining facilities that offer a variety of meals to meet the student’s dietary needs.

Academic Programs Offered

Akrokerri College of Education is a well-known teacher education institution in Ghana that provides quality training for prospective teachers. The college offers a wide range of academic programs to cater to the diverse needs of students who are interested in pursuing a career in teaching. The programs offered at Akrokerri College of Education are accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB) and affiliated with the University of Cape Coast.

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

The Bachelor’s Degree programs offered at Akrokerri College of Education are designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge in their respective fields. The programs include:

Early Childhood Education

This program is designed to prepare students to become competent early childhood educators who can provide quality care and education to young children. Students learn about child development, curriculum planning, assessment, and management in early childhood settings.

Primary Education Studies

The Primary Education Studies program is aimed at preparing students to teach at the primary level. Students gain skills and knowledge in areas such as literacy, numeracy, social studies, science education, and educational psychology.

Junior High School Education Studies

This program prepares students for teaching at the Junior High School level. Students study subjects such as mathematics, science education, social studies, English language, and educational psychology.

C Diploma Programs

Akrokerri College of Education also offers two types of diploma programs:

Certificate in Basic Education (CBE)

The Certificate in Basic Education (CBE) program is designed for individuals who want to become basic school teachers but do not have a Senior High School Certificate or its equivalent qualification. This program provides an opportunity for such individuals to gain the necessary qualification to become teachers.

Diploma in Basic Education (DBE)

The Diploma in Basic Education (DBE) program is designed for individuals who have successfully completed a Senior High School education and want to pursue a career in teaching. The program equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to teach at the basic level.

Overall, Akrokerri College of Education provides quality teacher training programs that equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become competent teachers. The college’s academic programs are tailored to meet the diverse needs of students who want to pursue a career in teaching.

Faculty and Staff

At Akrokerri College of Education, the faculty members are highly qualified and experienced teachers who are committed to providing excellent education to their students. The faculty comprises of professors, lecturers, assistant lecturers, and other academic staff who have been carefully selected from the best teachers in the country.

In addition to their academic qualifications, many of them have extensive experience in teaching at various levels of education. As a result, they bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom that enables them to provide a stimulating learning environment for their students.

The faculty members at Akrokerri College of Education are mostly trained in Ghana’s prestigious universities such as University of Cape Coast (UCC) and University of Education Winneba (UEW). They hold various degrees such as PhDs, Masters Degrees, etc which makes them highly skilled in their respective areas of teaching.

The college also employs visiting lecturers who come from other colleges within Ghana or other neighboring countries. In addition to the teaching staff, Akrokerri College also has non-teaching staff members who play important roles in ensuring smooth operations and administration on campus.

These include administrative officers, security personnel, cleaners, and gardeners among others. Their contributions often go unnoticed but they are essential components that keep the college running effectively.

Quality and Qualifications Of Faculty Members at Akrokerri College Of Education

The quality and qualifications of faculty members at Akrokerri College of Education is second to none. Most faculty members at the college hold postgraduate degrees such as PhDs or Masters Degrees which makes them highly competent academically. Additionally, many have extensive experience working in various educational settings which allows them to offer knowledgeable insights into best practices within education.

Moreover, the rigorous hiring process employed by Akrokerri College’s administration team when selecting its teaching staff, ensures that only those with high academic standards can be part of its faculty members. As such, the teaching staff’s high academic standards enable them to deliver a top-notch education to their students.

Number and Roles Played by Non-Teaching Staff

At Akrokerri College of Education, non-teaching staff plays an important role in ensuring that the daily activities and operations on campus run smoothly. The number of non-teaching staff is relatively high compared to other colleges in Ghana as they have a big role to play in supporting academic activities.

The roles played by non-teaching staff at Akrokerri College include security personnel who ensure that the safety and security of students, faculty, and property are maintained at all times. There are also administrative officers whose duties include record-keeping, managing finances, and maintaining order in the college.

The college also employs cleaners who keep the campus clean and tidy while gardeners maintain lawns, flower beds, and other green spaces on campus which gives an attractive environment for learning. Overall, the quality of faculty members at Akrokerri College of Education combined with the pivotal roles played by non-teaching staff provide students with an excellent education experience which contributes towards their future success as teachers.

Student Life at Akrokerri College of Education

Extracurricular Activities Available to Students

In addition to studying, Akrokerri College of Education students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities. These activities are designed to help students develop new skills, build relationships with other students and faculty, and foster a sense of community on campus.

Some popular extracurricular activities at Akrokerri College of Education include sports such as football, volleyball, and basketball. There are also cultural and social clubs available for students interested in music, dance or drama.

Social Life on Campus

Akrokerri College of Education has a vibrant social scene that provides opportunities for students to meet new people and make lasting friendships. The college has a common room where students can relax after classes or interact with other students who share similar interests.

Social events such as talent shows, quizzes, debates are organized by student groups throughout the year. Many events take place on weekends when there is more free time.

Opportunities For…

Akrokerri College of Education offers numerous opportunities for its students both academically and professionally. Students can take advantage of various educational programs offered by the college which can provide them with valuable skills that will help them succeed in their future academic careers or career paths.

Akrokerri College of Education also provides its student body with career development support services such as mentorship programs which assist students in identifying their strengths and skills while providing them guidance towards achieving their goals. These opportunities help prepare graduates for success in whatever career path they choose.


Akrokerri College of Education goes beyond just providing its student body quality education but ensures a well-rounded experience via extracurricular activities as well as providing multiple opportunities for both personal growth and professional development. The institution is committed to creating a supportive community where students can thrive both academically and personally. Attending Akrokerri College of Education, one can be assured of an amazing experience that will positively impact their life and the surrounding community.


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