St. Francis' College of Education Hohoe: History, Location, Courses and Admission Requirement

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe: History, Location, Courses and Admission Requirement

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe is a highly respected institution located in the Volta Region of Ghana, West Africa. Established in 1958 as a teacher training college, it has since evolved and expanded to become one of the leading colleges in Ghana, offering various degree and diploma programs in education.

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The college is affiliated with the University of Cape Coast and the University of Education, Winneba, both highly reputable universities in Ghana. St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe has a proven track record for producing quality graduates who go on to make significant contributions to education in Ghana.

Importance of Education in Ghana

Education is considered an essential element for development and progress in any society, and this holds true for Ghana as well. The importance placed on education by the government and people of Ghana can be seen through various initiatives aimed at improving access to quality education for all Ghanaians.

Education plays a crucial role not only in individual development but also contributes significantly to economic growth and social stability within communities.

In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for higher education among Ghanaians seeking to improve their employability prospects or pursue academic excellence.

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe is an excellent example of how quality education can provide opportunities for personal growth while making significant contributions to society’s overall development. The college has played a crucial role over the years in shaping future educators who have gone on to contribute meaningfully towards improving access to quality basic education across various communities within Ghana’s Volta Region.

History of St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe

Founding and Early Years

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe was founded in 1951 by the Catholic Church as a teacher-training institution to provide quality education in Ghana.

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The college was established to train teachers who would work in basic schools across the country. The first principal of the college was Rev. Fr. Edward Charles Lynch, who was also responsible for founding several other schools in Ghana.

In its early years, St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe faced many challenges, including financial difficulties and a shortage of qualified teaching staff. However, with the support of the Catholic Church and donations from other well-meaning individuals, the college was able to overcome these challenges and continue to grow.

Growth and Development Over Time

Over time, St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe continued to expand its academic programs and facilities to meet the needs of students and faculty members alike.

In 1964, the college introduced a two-year post-secondary teacher training program leading to a certificate in education. In 2007, St. Francis’ College became a tertiary institution after being accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB).

This new status allowed it to offer four-year Bachelor’s degree programs in Education for students who had completed their senior high school education. The growth and development of St.

Francis’ College over time has been impressive considering where it started from as a humble teacher training institution established by church missionaries over six decades ago with very few resources at their disposal compared to what is obtainable today at SFCOE Hohoe – A fully-fledged tertiary Institution offering various programs cutting across all spheres with enormous facilities complete with modern technologies that enhance Teaching Learning & Research (TLR) processes achievable globally today!

Campus and Facilities

Location and Size of Campus

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe is located in the Volta Region of Ghana, specifically in Hohoe, a town that is known for its rich cultural heritage. The campus sits on a vast expanse of land measuring approximately 80 acres, with well-manicured lawns and walkways that provide a serene environment for learning.

The college’s location is strategic as it is easily accessible by road from other parts of the country. The town of Hohoe is known for its mild tropical climate, which makes it conducive to academic pursuits throughout the year.

Academic Buildings, Dormitories, and Other Facilities

The campus boasts several academic buildings that are designed to meet the needs of both faculty members and students. These buildings include lecture halls, libraries stocked with up-to-date resources, science laboratories equipped with modern equipment, and computer rooms equipped with high-speed internet access.

For students who prefer to live on campus, St. Francis’ College offers several comfortable dormitories that can accommodate over 1,000 students at a time. The dormitories are gender-segregated and each has its own dining hall where students can enjoy their meals together.

Other facilities available on campus include sports grounds where students can participate in various physical activities such as soccer, volleyball or basketball games. There are also tennis courts for those who wish to engage in less energetic sporting activities.

Technology Resources Available to Students

In today’s fast-paced technological world, access to modern technology resources is essential for every student’s success. St Francis’ College recognizes this need by providing its students with high-speed internet access throughout the entire campus.

Students have access to computer labs that are fitted with modern PCs loaded with software such as Microsoft Office Suite and other relevant academic programs necessary for their coursework.

The college also has a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), which is an online platform designed to enhance the learning experience of students by providing them with access to various e-learning materials.

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe has excellent facilities that are designed to foster academic excellence and personal growth. The campus is large enough to provide ample space for students and faculty members while still maintaining a cozy atmosphere conducive for learning and relaxation.

Academic Programs Offered

Overview of programs offered at St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe offers a range of academic programs designed to prepare students for careers in education and related fields. These programs include a Bachelor’s degree in Education, Diploma in Basic Education, and other certificate courses.

The Bachelor’s degree program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing careers as teachers or school administrators. This four-year program covers a wide range of topics related to education, including curriculum development, teaching methods, and educational psychology.

The Diploma in Basic Education program is a three-year course that is designed specifically for individuals who want to become primary school teachers. This program provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively teach children from kindergarten through sixth grade.

Requirements for admission into each program

To gain admission into any of the academic programs offered by St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe, there are certain academic qualifications and application processes that must be followed. For example, applicants who wish to enroll in the Bachelor’s degree program must have completed their high school education with credit passes in at least five subjects including English Language and Mathematics, before they can proceed to take an entrance examination set by the college.

For the Diploma in Basic Education program, applicants must have obtained credit passes (grade C6 or better) in at least five subjects including English Language and Mathematics at WASSCE/SSSCE/GCE O-Level/GBCE Level or its equivalent approved by NABPTEX before proceeding to write an entrance examination set by the college.

Other certificate courses offered by St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe may have different admissions requirements depending on their duration and nature.

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe has various academic programs designed specifically to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen careers in education or related fields. Applicants must meet certain requirements before they can be granted admission into any of these programs.

Faculty and Staff

Overview of Faculty Members

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe boasts a faculty that is highly experienced and knowledgeable in various fields of education. The staff members are committed to providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their chosen career paths.

The college employs full-time professors as well as adjunct professors who are experts in their respective fields. Many faculty members at St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe hold advanced degrees in education, with some having earned doctorates from renowned institutions globally.

Others have extensive experience working as teachers, school administrators, or education consultants before joining the college. With this wealth of knowledge and experience, faculty members provide a well-rounded educational experience for students.

Faculty members at St. Francis’ College specialize in different areas such as mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, special education, and early childhood development. They bring this expertise into their teaching philosophy to ensure they provide students with the necessary knowledge for their future profession while nurturing their personal growth.

Support Staff Available to Students

The college also provides additional support staff who work closely with faculty members to ensure that all students receive the highest quality education possible.

For instance: – Library Staff: The library staff is responsible for overseeing the college’s library resources which include books & journals both printed & online resources.

– IT Support: The IT support team provides technical assistance on-site or remotely ensuring that any technical issues affecting learning are resolved quickly. – Academic Advisors: Academic advisors provide guidance on course selection & academic planning according to student interests and future professional goals

– Career Counselors: Career counselors help students explore career options beyond graduation by providing advice on job search strategies and graduate school application procedures. Overall, these support staff ensures that every student has access to necessary resources that can improve their learning experience within the college setting irrespective of their study or pace.

Student Life

Extracurricular Activities Available on Campus

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe offers a variety of extracurricular activities to its students, ensuring they have a well-rounded experience during their time at the college. One of the most popular extracurricular activities available on campus is sports teams.

Students can participate in football, basketball, volleyball, and handball. These sports teams offer students an opportunity to be physically active and develop teamwork skills.

Apart from sports, there are also various clubs available for students to join based on their interests. Examples include the debate club, music club, drama club, and environmental club.

These clubs present opportunities for students to interact with individuals who share the same interests as they do while developing leadership skills.

In addition to these organized activities, social events such as talent shows and cultural festivals are organized throughout the academic year by the Student Representative Council (SRC), which is responsible for coordinating student events.

Accommodation Options for Students Living on Campus or Off-Campus

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe understands that accommodating all students is crucial for academic success; hence it provides accommodation options both on-campus and off-campus.

For students who prefer living on campus, St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe has modern dormitories equipped with furniture like bedding, wardrobe amongst others set up in a serene environment that promotes conducive learning conditions. The dormitories are safe and secure with 24-hour security personnel guarding entry points into halls.

The college also supports off-campus accommodation options through partnerships with landlords within Hohoe communities surrounding the college or nearby districts thus making it convenient for parents or guardians who want their wards close by but still outside of school premises.

Overall, St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe ensures that its students have access to a range of extracurricular activities to engage in and comfortable accommodation options to create an enabling environment for academic success.

Community Engagement

Outreach Programs Organized by St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe is not only focused on educating its students; it also plays an active role in improving the community through outreach programs.

One of the ways the college engages with the community is through volunteer work in local schools. This initiative helps improve academic performance and literacy levels in the surrounding areas.

The college also organizes extracurricular programs that are open to members of the community, including sports, drama, and music clubs. These activities provide a platform for students and members of the community to interact and learn from each other, promoting cultural exchange and fostering social cohesion.

Another program offered by St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe is teacher training workshops for teachers in local schools who are seeking to enhance their skills and teaching methods.

Through these workshops, teachers can exchange ideas with their colleagues and receive professional development support from expert trainers from St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe.

The Impact on Community Development

The impact of outreach programs organized by St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe on the surrounding area cannot be overemphasized. These programs not only provide educational support but also promote community development by empowering members with skills that they can use to improve their lives beyond academic pursuits.

For instance, access to extracurricular activities such as sports has been shown to help reduce crime rates among young people while providing them with opportunities for personal growth and developing life skills such as teamwork and leadership.

Furthermore, teacher training workshops have helped raise the quality of education provided in local schools by building capacity among teachers in terms of teaching methodologies, instructional techniques as well as content knowledge which ultimately benefit students at large.

The Future Direction

St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe has a clear vision of its role in the community and is committed to pursuing the growth and development of both its students and the surrounding area. The college plans to continue expanding its outreach programs while also exploring new avenues for community engagement. To achieve this, St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe seeks to strengthen partnerships with local organizations that share similar goals and objectives.

Through these collaborations, the college hopes to maximize the impact of its outreach programs while also identifying new opportunities for supporting community development. By doing so, St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe is not only fulfilling its mandate as an institution of higher learning but also contributing positively towards sustainable social development in Ghana.


St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe is a vital institution in Ghana that helps to shape the future of education in the country. The college offers a wide range of programs that equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to become effective educators who can positively impact their students and communities.

With its commitment to academic excellence, community engagement, and innovation, St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe is playing a critical role in helping to build a better future for Ghana.

While St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe has achieved considerable success over the years, it also faces significant challenges as it seeks to continue its mission in an increasingly complex world.

One major challenge is funding, as the college relies heavily on government support and donor funding to maintain its operations and programs. Another challenge is keeping up with changing trends and advancements in education technology, as well as ensuring that its curriculum remains relevant and responsive to students’ needs.

At the same time, there are many opportunities for growth and development at St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe. The college has already made significant strides in areas such as community engagement, research collaboration, and program expansion; however, more can be done to build on these successes and take advantage of emerging opportunities for innovation.

Despite the challenges faced by St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe, there are many reasons for optimism about its future prospects. With its dedicated faculty members, committed staff, enthusiastic students, and supportive community partners; The college has all the necessary ingredients for continued success.

Going forward requires embracing change proactively through innovations such as online courses or developing new partnerships with other institutions both local & international which could bring more funding and recognition.

In addition, maintaining a clear focus on the needs of both students and the broader community will be essential for St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe to remain a leading institution in Ghana’s education sector.

Ultimately, with continued investment in its programs, faculty, staff, and facilities; St. Francis’ College of Education Hohoe will remain an important force in shaping the future of education in Ghana for years to come.


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