Jasikan College of Education: History, Location, Courses and Admission Requirement

Jasikan College of Education: History, Location, Courses and Admission Requirement

Teacher education plays a critical role in the development of any nation’s education system. In Ghana, teacher education is seen as the foundation upon which all other levels of education are built. The country recognizes that a well-trained teacher is key to quality education and national development.

Read also: Comprehensive List of Colleges of Education in Ghana

As such, the government has made significant efforts to improve teacher training by establishing institutions such as Jasikan College of Education. The importance of teacher education in Ghana cannot be overstated.

It is essential for producing quality educators who can teach effectively and create a nurturing learning environment. Qualified teachers are instrumental in achieving educational goals and objectives, as well as developing the human capital needed for economic growth and social development.

Brief Overview of Jasikan College of Education

Located in the town of Jasikan in the Volta Region, Jasikan College of Education was established in 1952 with the aim to train teachers for primary schools. Over time, it has evolved into an institution that offers various programs designed to produce well-rounded educators who are capable of teaching at different levels.

The college has an excellent reputation for providing high-quality teacher training that meets both national and international standards. Students receive rigorous academic instruction from highly qualified faculty members who have extensive experience teaching at various levels.

Jasikan College prides itself on its state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, computer labs, a library with digital resources, accommodation options for students from outside the region, sports fields, and other amenities that make student life comfortable and fulfilling. The college also provides support services such as counseling services to ensure students’ mental well-being throughout their academic journey.

This article aims to provide important information about Jasikan College of Education to prospective students interested in pursuing a career in teaching.

By highlighting the college’s history, programs, faculty and staff, student life, community engagement, and achievements, it offers a detailed overview of what students can expect from this top-tier institution. Furthermore, it underscores the importance of teacher education in Ghana and how Jasikan College is helping to produce well-trained educators who can make significant contributions to the education sector in Ghana.

History and Background

Founding of the College

Jasikan College of Education was established in 1954 as a training center for teachers. The institution was originally named Jasikan Training Center for Teachers and it offered a two-year certificate course in teacher education. The college was established to provide quality teacher education to meet the needs of the then-Gold Coast, now Ghana.

Evolution of the Institution Over Time

Over the years, Jasikan College of Education has undergone several changes both in name and structure. In 1961, it became known as Jasikan Training College following a merger with Wusuta Training Centre for Teachers. In 1995, it was elevated to a diploma-awarding institution by the National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE), and its name was changed to Jasikan College of Education.

Currently, it is one of the forty-six public Colleges of Education in Ghana mandated to train teachers at the pre-tertiary level. The college has undergone significant changes since its establishment with respect to its academic programs, infrastructure, and student population.

Accreditation and Affiliations

Jasikan College of Education is accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB) which is responsible for ensuring quality assurance in higher education institutions in Ghana. Additionally, it is affiliated with some major universities in Ghana such as the University of Cape Coast (UCC) and the University of Education Winneba (UEW). These affiliations enable students who successfully complete their diploma programs at Jasikan College to further their studies at these universities for degree programs if they so desire.

Moreover, Jasikan College has partnered with some international organizations such as Northern Illinois University (NIU) in the USA through their “Ghana Reads” program which seeks to improve literacy among children especially those living in deprived communities in Ghana. These collaborations have been beneficial to the college in numerous ways including international exposure, research opportunities, and funding.

Academic Programs and Courses Offered

Jasikan College of Education offers several programs in teacher education, including Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, JSS Education, and Business Education. These programs aim to provide students with a strong foundation in teaching methodologies and instructional strategies that will help them succeed as educators. The Early Childhood Education program is designed for students who want to teach young children from birth to age eight.

This program focuses on the cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development of young children and prepares students for teaching positions in early childhood education centers. The Primary Education program trains students to teach children from ages six to twelve.

This program covers topics such as curriculum design, teaching methods, classroom management techniques, and assessment strategies. The JSS (Junior Secondary School) Education program provides training for future teachers of grades seven through nine.

This program equips students with skills in subject matter content areas such as Mathematics, English Language Arts (ELA), and Integrated Science among others while also learning about effective strategies for engaging adolescent learners.

The Business Education program is geared towards training teachers who want to specialize in business education subjects such as Accounting, Economics, and Management amongst others.

Detailed Description of Each Program and its Requirements

Each of these programs has specific requirements that must be met before a student can be accepted into the program. For example: – Early Childhood Education requires prospective students to have completed Senior High School or any equivalent certificate with good grades.

– To gain admission into the Primary or Junior High School programs at Jasikan College of Education one must have completed Senior High School with good grades. – To qualify for admission into a Business education program one must attain good pass marks at the S.H.S level, particularly in business-related courses

Students are also required to complete a certain number of credits within their respective programs, including coursework and fieldwork to be eligible for graduation. The Jasikan College of Education curriculum is designed to ensure that students have a well-rounded education that prepares them for the realities of the classroom.

Course Offerings within Each Program

Within each program, students are required to take courses that cover a range of topics pertaining to teaching and instructional methodologies. Some examples of courses offered at Jasikan College of Education include:

  1. Child Development – Educational Psychology
  2. Classroom Management – Assessment & Evaluation in Education
  3. Teaching Methods for Specific Areas like English Language Arts, Integrated Science amongst others – Supervised Practicum or Teaching Practice

Each course is designed to help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective teachers. Through their coursework, which includes both theory and practical sessions, aspiring educators learn how to create engaging lesson plans, manage classrooms effectively, assess student learning, and provide feedback that helps learners progress toward their academic goals.

Faculty and Staff

According to the Jasikan College of Education’s website, the faculty and staff are dedicated to providing quality education that prepares students for their future careers. The college employs over 60 full-time faculty members who specialize in various fields of education. The faculty members are known for their commitment to providing students with a comprehensive understanding of teaching methods, theories, and techniques.

Highlighting Notable Professors or Staff Members

Prof. Akwasi Asabere-Ameyaw is one of the most notable professors at Jasikan College of Education. He has been working at the college for over 20 years and is considered an expert in curriculum development and instructional design. His work has been published in numerous academic journals, and he has received several awards for his contributions to education.

Mrs. Comfort Amponsah is another notable staff member at Jasikan College of Education. She serves as the Coordinator of the Early Childhood Education program, which is one of the most popular programs offered by the college.

Mrs. Amponsah has over 15 years of experience teaching young children and is known for her innovative teaching techniques. In addition to these notable individuals, all faculty members at Jasikan College of Education hold advanced degrees in education or related fields from accredited institutions both within Ghana and internationally.

Qualifications and Experience Required for Faculty Positions

Jasikan College of Education requires that all faculty members hold a minimum qualification of a master’s degree in education or a related field from an accredited institution. Additionally, candidates must have several years of experience working in their respective fields before being considered for employment.

The college also places emphasis on professional development opportunities for its faculty members to ensure they stay current on best practices in teaching methods as well as emerging trends within education.

To maintain its reputation for excellence and to continue preparing students for successful careers, Jasikan College of Education is committed to hiring only the most qualified and experienced faculty members. By doing so, the college ensures that students receive a high-quality education that prepares them for success in their chosen fields.

Student Life

Campus Facilities

Jasikan College of Education is equipped with several facilities to provide students with a comfortable and conducive learning environment. The college has a well-stocked library, computer laboratories, lecture halls, and classrooms that are spacious and well-ventilated. The library is fully digitized and has access to online resources such as e-books, journals, and databases.

This allows students the opportunity to conduct research from anywhere on campus. Additionally, there are sports facilities such as a soccer field and basketball court for students who enjoy physical activity.

Extracurricular Activities

Jasikan College of Education offers several extracurricular activities that cater to the diverse interests of its student body. Students can join various clubs where they can interact with peers who share similar interests such as the debate club or drama club. There are also religious organizations on campus that offer students the opportunity to grow spiritually while at college.

Aside from clubs, Jasikan College of Education also organizes events throughout the academic year such as talent shows, cultural festivals, and sporting events which provide opportunities for socializing outside the classroom. These events help foster a sense of community among students while creating an atmosphere of fun.

Student Support Services

Jasikan College of Education provides counseling services that offer emotional support for students who may be going through personal or academic difficulties. These support services aim to help students navigate personal challenges or seek guidance in academic pursuits. Furthermore, Jasikan College of Education offers housing options for its students including both single rooms and shared accommodations in dormitories located on campus grounds.

Living on campus provides convenience for students who are pursuing rigorous academic programs while offering them opportunities to engage with their peers outside class hours. Jasikan College of Education recognizes that student life extends beyond academics; therefore it has put measures in place to ensure that students are comfortable and have access to the facilities and resources they need to succeed.

Community Engagement

Partnerships with Local Schools or Organizations

Jasikan College of Education has established strong partnerships with local schools and organizations in the Jasikan community and beyond. These partnerships provide opportunities for students to gain practical experience in their chosen fields while also benefiting the community.

One such partnership is with the Jasikan District Education Office, which provides support to schools in the district. Through this partnership, students have the opportunity to observe and contribute to teacher training sessions, assist in curriculum development, and participate in professional development workshops.

Another partnership is with the Jasikan Hospital, where students from the Early Childhood Education program engage with patients’ children through storytelling activities. This not only contributes to educational growth but also helps to entertain children who are sick or waiting for a doctor’s appointment.

Additionally, Jasikan College of Education partners with local NGOs such as Child Rights International Ghana (CRIG) and World Vision Ghana on various initiatives aimed at improving access to education for vulnerable children. This collaboration leads students towards developing a sense of social responsibility while making an impact on society.

Service Learning Opportunities for Students

Service learning opportunities abound at Jasikan College of Education as part of its mission to prepare teachers who are responsible global citizens committed to community development. Students have access to a range of service-learning opportunities that allow them not only to get involved but also to develop their skills outside of traditional classroom settings.

One such opportunity is volunteer teaching programs in neighboring villages where student teachers teach classes during school breaks. They are expected not only to impart knowledge but also to identify gaps affecting community members within their subject area(s).

Another service learning opportunity available at Jasikan College is a mentorship program connecting student teachers and aspiring mentors from surrounding communities.

The college’s service club provides additional options for volunteering, offering various initiatives that cater to both academically and socially deprived areas within communities around them including teaching, immunization, and sanitation programs.

Through these service-learning opportunities, students develop important skills such as leadership and communication while contributing to the betterment of their communities. The college prioritizes collaboration in service projects so that students can work with community members for mutual benefit.

Community Engagement Conclusion

Overall, Jasikan College of Education’s engagement with the community highlights its commitment to preparing teachers who are socially responsible and committed to community development. By partnering with local organizations and offering service-learning opportunities to students, the college contributes significantly to improving access to education for vulnerable children in underserved communities.

Through these engagement strategies, student teachers gain firsthand experience on real-life teaching issues, thus becoming well-rounded professionals who can make an impact beyond just traditional classroom settings. Such initiatives are key components of Jasikan College of Education’s mission towards building a teacher workforce that is both knowledgeable and compassionate about their profession.

Achievements and Recognition

Awards or recognition received by the college or its faculty/staff members

Jasikan College of Education has been recognized for excellence in teacher education by various organizations in Ghana and beyond. In 2018, the institution was awarded the Best Teacher Education Institution at the National Teachers’ Awards Ceremony organized by the Ministry of Education.

This award reflects Jasikan’s commitment to providing quality teacher education that prepares graduates to be competent and effective in their profession. In addition to institutional recognition, Jasikan’s faculty and staff have also received awards for their outstanding contributions to education.

Notably, Dr. Grace Owusu-Bempah, a lecturer at Jasikan College of Education, was awarded the 2020 Outstanding Teacher Award by the Ghana Association of Teachers of English (GATE). This award recognizes her dedication and innovation in teaching English language and literature.

Contributions to education in Ghana

Jasikan College of Education has made significant contributions to education in Ghana through its various programs, research activities, and community engagement initiatives. The institution has produced thousands of qualified teachers who are making a difference in classrooms across the country.

These teachers are equipped with innovative teaching methods and skills that enhance student learning outcomes. The college also conducts research on various aspects of teacher education that inform policy and practice in Ghana’s education sector.

For example, a recent study conducted by Jasikan faculty members on “effective teaching strategies for inclusive classrooms” has led to improved classroom practices that benefit all learners irrespective of their backgrounds or abilities. Furthermore, Jasikan College of Education is actively engaged with local schools and communities through outreach programs designed to promote educational equity and access.

These programs include mentoring schemes for students from disadvantaged backgrounds as well as professional development workshops for practicing teachers aimed at enhancing their instructional practices. Overall, these contributions demonstrate Jasikan’s commitment to improving education outcomes in Ghana.

Challenges Faced by Jasikan College of Education

Funding and Resource Limitations

One of the main challenges faced by Jasikan College of Education is limited funding and resources. The college is heavily reliant on government support, which can sometimes be inconsistent or insufficient.

This has led to issues such as inadequate infrastructure, limited teaching materials and equipment, and difficulties in attracting highly qualified faculty members. Additionally, the college has had to deal with rising costs of utilities and other essential services.

Teacher Shortages

Another major challenge faced by Jasikan College of Education is a shortage of qualified teachers. This is due in part to a lack of interest in the teaching profession among young people, as well as difficulties in retaining experienced teachers who may be drawn away by higher-paying jobs elsewhere. As a result, the college has had difficulty maintaining its faculty-to-student ratio target.

Changing Educational Landscape

The educational landscape in Ghana is changing rapidly, with new technologies and teaching methods being introduced all the time. This presents challenges for institutions like Jasikan College of Education that must keep pace with these changes while also maintaining their traditional focus on teacher education. Additionally, there are growing demands for increased teacher accountability and effectiveness that require new approaches to training.


Despite these challenges, Jasikan College of Education remains committed to its mission of producing highly skilled educators who can help drive positive change within their communities. The college continues to explore innovative approaches to teacher training that incorporate new technologies and pedagogical methods while also staying true to its core values.

Moving forward, it will be important for both the government and private sector stakeholders to invest more resources into programs such as this one that focus on building strong educational foundations at all levels. With continued support from all parties involved, there is no doubt that institutions like Jasikan College of Education can help produce well-trained, highly effective teachers who will make a real difference in the lives of students throughout Ghana.

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