Gbewaa College of Education: Nurturing Minds, Building Communities

Gbewaa College of Education: Nurturing Minds, Building Communities

Gbewaa College of Education is a public tertiary institution located in Pusiga, Upper East Region of Ghana. It was established in 2018 as part of the government’s initiative to provide quality education to the citizenry by increasing student enrolment in teacher training institutions across the country.

The college officially began operations in September 2018 with an initial enrolment of 450 students. The name “Gbewaa” derives from one of the great dynasties that once ruled over Northern Ghana, led by King Naa Gbewaa.

The choice of name reflects the college’s commitment to producing graduates who would make a significant impact in their communities as leaders and change agents.

Mission and Vision

The mission statement of Gbewaa College is “to provide quality teacher education through innovative teaching techniques, research, and community engagement that will produce competent teachers who are responsive to the needs of their communities.” The vision for the institution is “to become a center for excellence in teacher education that will produce professionals who are not only knowledgeable but also ethical, competent, and committed to shaping lives.” To achieve its mission and vision, Gbewaa College adopts a learner-centered approach to teaching and learning.

This approach emphasizes active participation from both students and teachers as well as hands-on experience through practical activities within local schools and communities.

Read also: Comprehensive List of Colleges of Education in Ghana

In addition, Gbewaa College places great importance on research activities that address local educational needs while also contributing towards national policy-making on education. This research-driven approach ensures that graduates have the relevant skills needed for their roles while creating sustainable solutions for local educational challenges.

Location and Campus

Geographical Location of Gbewaa College of Education

Gbewaa College of Education is a renowned teacher training institution located in Pusiga, in the Upper East Region of Ghana. The college is situated about 16 kilometers from the regional capital, Bolgatanga.

Gbewaa College lies on the eastern fringes of Ghana and shares boundaries with Burkina Faso to the north and Togo to the east. Its location, therefore, offers a unique opportunity for students to study in a serene environment close to nature while experiencing diverse cultures.

Description of Campus Layout and Facilities

The campus covers an expansive area, comprising several interconnected buildings that house various academic departments and administrative offices.

The campus has well-maintained roads that make it accessible from all directions. It also boasts an impressive range of amenities including modern classrooms equipped with projectors, laboratories for practical courses such as science, computer labs equipped with state-of-the-art computers, and Wi-Fi connectivity across campus which allows students to access online resources easily.

In addition to academic facilities, Gbewaa College provides students with comfortable accommodation options on campus. There are separate hostels for male and female students equipped with modern beds, wardrobes, and desks for each student.

There are also two dining halls on campus providing well-prepared meals three times daily including breakfast, lunch, and supper with healthy diets provided at each meal thus ensuring student’s health is taken seriously. Furthermore, Gbewaa college has recreational facilities that make life on campus more fun-filled. Students enjoy playing sports such as football, basketball, volleyball, etc during their leisure time.

There is a multifunctional auditorium where the majority of social events are hosted. The facility is also used for conferences, symposiums, etc. These facilities provide an environment conducive to learning while enjoying other activities outside academics making college life worthwhile.

Academic Programs

Preparing Future Educators

Gbewaa College of Education is committed to producing qualified and competent teachers who can contribute to the development of the nation. The college offers a wide range of academic programs designed to prepare future educators with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in their chosen careers.

The college’s academic programs are tailored towards meeting the unique needs of Ghana’s educational system, ensuring that graduates are equipped with practical skills they can apply in real-world situations.

Students can choose from a variety of degree programs including Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Mathematics and Science Education, and Technical and Vocational Education, among others.

Detailed Information on Specific Courses and Majors Available

Gbewaa College offers courses that cover various areas such as education theory, pedagogy, and practical teaching experience. Students can take courses such as Educational Psychology; Curriculum Development; Classroom Management; Reading Methods; Science Methods; Mathematics Methods; Social Studies Methods; Computer Literacy for Teachers amongst others.

In addition to core courses within their selected majors, students also have opportunities to take electives or pursue minors in other areas relevant to their interests or career goals. For instance, students pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education may choose elective courses like Child Development or Special Needs Children.

The college also offers certificate programs such as Certificate in Guidance And Counseling which provides specialized training for aspiring guidance counselors who wish to work with children at different levels of education.

With an emphasis on practical learning models rather than theoretical concepts alone, Gbewaa College is dedicated to delivering quality instruction through its academic program curriculum which prepares future educators with impactful skills relevant to both current and future demands in Ghana’s education sector.

Faculty and Staff

Gbewaa College of Education prides itself on its highly qualified and experienced faculty members who are dedicated to providing an exceptional education to their students. The college has a team of over 50 full-time faculty members, each of whom holds advanced degrees in their respective fields. Furthermore, the faculty members have years of teaching experience, making them well-equipped to help students achieve their academic goals.

Qualifications and Areas of Expertise

The faculty members at Gbewaa College come from diverse academic backgrounds, including education, psychology, sociology, science, mathematics, and languages. Each member brings years of practical experience to the classroom and incorporates this into their teaching methodologies.

Most lecturers hold a minimum of a master’s degree in their areas of specialization while some possess doctoral degrees. The college ensures that all its faculty are regularly trained so they can deliver updated information during lectures or offer guidance in research or coursework that they supervise.

Support Staff

In addition to full-time faculty members, Gbewaa College has an extensive network of support staff who are responsible for ensuring that the school runs smoothly. These include administrative personnel who manage day-to-day operations such as scheduling classes and organizing events for students and staff. The college also employs librarians who assist students in finding resources for their coursework or research projects.

The library is stocked with a vast collection of books covering various disciplines offered at the school. Moreover, IT professionals are present to manage the technological infrastructure that provides digital resources like e-books or academic journals essential for research by both faculties and students alike.

A Distinguished Faculty

Gbewaa College’s faculty consists mainly of seasoned academics whose expertise is second to none; they have published numerous articles in high-impact journals and have presented research papers at local and international symposia. The college’s faculty members are not just one-dimensional academicians; some are also involved in outreach programs that benefit communities within Ghana.

The lecturers are passionate about their areas of specialization, and they bring this enthusiasm to the classroom, making learning a joy for students.

The faculty uses a variety of teaching methods to help students grasp new concepts and apply these in real-world situations. Students have access to their faculty member’s mentorship even outside of class hours.

There is an open-door policy where students can seek assistance on projects or coursework. Thus Gbewaa College’s faculty is an essential component in the delivery of quality education to its learners.

Student Life

Extracurricular Activities

Gbewaa College of Education offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities for students to participate in. These activities are designed to help students unwind after classes and provide opportunities for them to engage in interests outside the classroom. The college has a robust sports program, with teams for football, volleyball, basketball, and athletics.

Students who are not athletically inclined can also join the college’s debate club, drama club, or music club. In addition to sports and clubs, Gbewaa College also organizes cultural events throughout the academic year.

These events provide an opportunity for students to showcase their talents and learn about different cultures. Some of the popular events include cultural nights where students can display dances and songs from their respective regions.

Housing & Dining Options

Gbewaa College provides comfortable accommodation options for its students on campus. The dormitories have basic necessities such as beds, study tables, and chairs with comfortable mattresses to ensure that students are well-rested for their studies. In addition, there are common areas like TV rooms where students can relax.

The college has a dining hall where meals are served three times a day during weekdays and twice on weekends. The menu is diverse with different dishes being served each day so as not to bore the student’s appetite over time.

Health Services

The health service at Gbewaa College ensures that all students have access to medical care while they attend school here. There is a health center on campus that provides medical check-ups and treatment services free of charge for all registered students. The center is staffed by qualified medical personnel who offer consultations, advice, or referrals where necessary.

Student life at Gbewaa College is vibrant due to the numerous opportunities available outside classrooms such as extracurricular activities, accommodation, and dining options as well as a well-staffed health center. The college provides an enabling environment for students to learn, grow, express themselves, and interact with one another.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the Local Community

Gbewaa College of Education is committed to engaging with the local community in meaningful ways. As an institution of higher learning, the college recognizes its responsibility to contribute positively to the development of its surrounding communities. To this end, Gbewaa College has established partnerships with various local organizations and participates in community development initiatives.

One such initiative is the college’s outreach program aimed at improving educational outcomes in underserved communities. Through this program, Gbewaa College students and faculty visit schools in rural areas and offer assistance in teaching and curriculum development.

The college also holds workshops for teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge. Another way that Gbewaa College engages with the local community is through its health outreach program.

Students and faculty visit local health clinics where they offer free medical services such as health screenings, consultations, and medication distribution.

The college also partners with local NGOs involved in promoting healthy lifestyles by supporting awareness campaigns on issues such as HIV/AIDS, malaria prevention, sanitation, and nutrition education among others.

Collaboration with Government Agencies

Gbewaa College of Education collaborates actively with government agencies at both regional and national levels. Through these partnerships, the college has been involved in various initiatives aimed at addressing social challenges within Ghana’s education system.

One such initiative is Gbewaa College’s partnership with Ghana’s Ministry of Education aimed at improving teacher training programs across Ghana’s public universities.

This partnership involves capacity building for teacher educators on innovative instructional methods that can be adapted to improve teacher education outcomes.

Another partnership involves collaborating with Ghana’s National Council for Curriculum Assessment (NaCCA) on curriculum reform initiatives aimed at enhancing student learning experiences within Ghana’s educational system. This collaboration includes consultations between NaCCA officials and Gbewaa College faculty members to develop curricula that are relevant to current needs within the country.

Leadership and Governance

Gbewaa College of Education is involved in leadership and governance initiatives aimed at promoting good governance within public institutions. The college participates in dialogues on issues related to governance, democracy, and human rights.

Such dialogues provide a platform for students, faculty members, and community stakeholders to engage in critical conversations around issues of national importance. One such dialogue was a roundtable discussion on the topic of “Re-imagining Ghana’s education system” hosted by Gbewaa College.

In this forum, education experts discussed various approaches to reforming Ghana’s education system with the aim of addressing systemic challenges that have hindered progress in the sector.

Gbewaa College of Education is dedicated to making meaningful contributions towards social and economic development within its local communities. By engaging with local communities, collaborating with government agencies, and offering leadership on national issues, Gbewaa College contributes positively towards the realization of Ghana’s development agenda.

Alumni Network

Supporting Gbewaa College Alumni

Gbewaa College of Education has a strong commitment to supporting its alumni network. The college recognizes the value of maintaining connections with former students and works hard to ensure that graduates have access to various resources and opportunities.

One such resource is the Gbewaa College Alumni Association, which was created to foster a community among former students. The association provides an opportunity for alumni to network with one another, exchange ideas, share experiences and give back to the college in various ways.

Members can take part in mentorship programs, career development opportunities, as well as contribute towards fundraising initiatives for the college. The association also organizes events like reunions and networking events so that alumni can stay connected with their peers.

Notable Gbewaa College Alumni

Gbewaa College has produced many successful individuals who have gone on to make significant contributions in various fields both nationally and internationally. Some notable alumni include Justice William Atuguba, who served as President of Ghana’s Supreme Court from 2013-2014; Dr. Anaba Alemna, a renowned educationist; Dr Ziblim Barri Iddi (MP) who is currently Ghana’s Deputy Minister of Tourism.

Justice Atuguba is known for his landmark judgments in cases that tested the strength of Ghana’s constitution while Dr. Alemna has served as Vice-Chancellor of both University of Professional Studies Accra (UPSA) and Valley View University (VVU). Dr. Ziblim Barri Iddi has made significant strides toward promoting tourism in Northern Ghana since becoming Deputy Minister.

These notable examples demonstrate how Gbewaa College prepares its graduates for success through quality education rooted in excellence. With continued support from the college’s alumni network, future generations are likely to produce even more inspiring stories of success and achievement.


Gbewaa College of Education is a highly respected institution in Ghana that offers students a comprehensive education in various fields. The college’s mission and vision are centered around producing ethical, knowledgeable professionals who are committed to serving their communities. From its academic programs to its community engagement initiatives, Gbewaa College is dedicated to creating a positive impact on society as a whole.

The location and campus of the college provide an ideal environment for learning, with modern facilities and resources available to students. The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced professionals who offer personalized attention and guidance to each student.

The support staff is also committed to ensuring that students have the best possible experience while studying at Gbewaa College. Student life at Gbewaa College is vibrant and engaging, with numerous extracurricular activities and student organizations available for students to join.

The college also provides various support services such as housing, dining options, health services, and counseling services, among others. Gbewaa College’s alumni network serves as an excellent resource for current students and graduates alike.

Through its network of successful alumni, the college provides opportunities for mentorship, networking, professional development, and job placement assistance among others. Overall, Gbewaa College of Education has established itself as a leading institution in Ghana by providing quality education and professional development opportunities for its students.

Its commitment to community engagement initiatives shows that the college is not only focused on academic excellence but also on making a positive impact on society as a whole. As such Gbewaa College can be seen as not just an institution but rather a hub that cultivates well-rounded individuals who go on to serve their communities effectively.


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