Mount Mary College of Education in Somanya

Mount Mary College of Education in Somanya

Established in 1949, Mount Mary College of Education is one of the oldest teacher-training colleges in Ghana. The college was originally founded as a women’s college by the Catholic Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Spirit to provide education for girls in Ghana. Mount Mary played an essential role in expanding educational opportunities for girls and women in rural areas.

In 1954, Mount Mary College started offering teacher-training courses to meet the increasing demand for qualified teachers in Ghana. Over time, the college has expanded its programs and facilities to become a leading institution for teacher education today.

The Importance of Teacher Education in Ghana

Teacher education is critical to improving educational quality and achieving educational goals outlined by government initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite significant progress made over recent years, there still exist challenges that require innovative approaches toward teacher training and professional development.

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To address this gap, institutions like Mount Mary College offer high-quality training programs designed to prepare future teachers who can foster positive change within their communities. This includes equipping teachers with knowledge of modern pedagogies, curriculum development strategies, and practical teaching experience using state-of-the-art resources.

An Overview Of The College’s Programs And Facilities

Mount Mary College offers a range of programs that cater to different levels of study from diploma level through Bachelor’s degrees including Early Childhood Education (ECE), Primary Education Studies (PES), and Basic Education Diploma (BED). These programs are designed whilst taking into account changing trends affecting teaching practices.

The college also boasts exceptional facilities that provide an optimal learning environment for students. These include a well-equipped library with extensive collections covering a broad range of subjects relevant to student needs.

Read more: Comprehensive List of Colleges of Education in Ghana

Additionally, the college has invested heavily in modern technology to enhance teaching methods and practices. The computer lab and E-learning center provide students with access to resources that foster ICT skills development.

The science laboratory and mathematics resource center enables hands-on learning experiences that prepare students for real-world challenges. These facilities, coupled with passionate faculty members who are committed to delivering quality education, make Mount Mary College of Education an ideal institution for teacher education in Ghana.

Programs Offered at Mount Mary College of Education

Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education plays an essential role in laying the foundation for children’s future academic and personal success. Recognizing this, Mount Mary College of Education offers a Bachelor of Education program specifically designed for individuals interested in teaching young children.

The program is structured to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to teach effectively in preschools, kindergartens, and primary schools that offer early childhood education.

The course provides a comprehensive curriculum covering topics such as child development, curriculum design and implementation, literacy development, numeracy skills development, classroom management, assessment strategies for young learners, and teaching strategies for diverse learners.

Read more: What Are The Courses Offered in the College Of Education Ghana

Students also gain practical experience through supervised fieldwork placements in various schools within the country. The Early Childhood Education program at Mount Mary College is taught by highly experienced lecturers who are passionate about ensuring that future teachers have the necessary tools to create supportive learning environments that facilitate children’s growth and development.

Bachelor of Education in Primary Education Studies

Primary education is the foundation upon which future academic achievements rest. As such, it is critical to have well-prepared teachers who can provide quality instruction to primary school students.

The Bachelor of Education program offered by Mount Mary College provides students with a comprehensive understanding of primary education theories blended with practical experience gained from supervised fieldwork placements. The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects including educational psychology, educational sociology, curriculum studies, assessment practices for diverse learners as well as subject-specific methodologies like social studies methodology or mathematics methodology.

Graduates are equipped with effective teaching strategies applicable across all subject areas so that they can prepare learners adequately for their next stage of learning. Through this program, students gain an appreciation for the collaboration efforts required among stakeholders including parents/guardians and communities as well as other professionals working to enhance the quality of primary education.

Diploma in Basic Education

The Diploma in Basic Education program offered by Mount Mary College prepares students to become competent basic school teachers. This program is designed for individuals interested in teaching at the primary or junior high school level.

The curriculum covers courses such as educational psychology, teaching methodology, curriculum development, educational measurement and evaluation, and special education. Students are exposed to various strategies for classroom management that help promote a meaningful learning environment for learners.

They also develop competencies in areas such as lesson planning, child-centered instructional delivery methods, and assessment practices that inform their practice as teachers. Graduates are able to teach effectively across different subject areas including mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts among others. The diploma program provides students with the knowledge and skills required to work with diverse learners while promoting inclusivity within the classroom setting.

Facilities at Mount Mary College of Education

Library and Resource Center

The library and resource center at Mount Mary College of Education is a state-of-the-art facility designed to support the academic needs of students. The library has a vast collection of books, journals, and other resources related to education and other relevant fields.

The center also has access to online databases that provide students with access to thousands of scholarly articles, journals, and books. In addition to the physical resources available in the library, students can receive assistance from knowledgeable staff members who are dedicated to helping them succeed in their academic pursuits.

Librarians are available to help students locate information, develop research strategies, and navigate various research tools. Moreover, the resource center offers printing and copying services for students at no additional cost.

Computer Lab and E-Learning Center

The computer lab is equipped with modern computers that have high-speed internet connectivity. Students have access to various software applications that support their studies in different areas such as Microsoft Office Suite – Word for creating documents; Excel for creating spreadsheets; PowerPoint for creating presentations; SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software used by researchers or data analysts among others. The e-Learning center provides an interactive platform where students can engage with course materials online through Moodle or Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS).

Students can interact with other learners globally through online discussion forums on these platforms. This facility enables students who miss classes due to emergencies such as illness or work-related engagements a chance not only to catch up but even stay ahead in their studies.

Science Laboratory and Mathematics Resource Center

The Science Laboratory at Mount Mary College of Education is fully equipped with modern scientific instruments used in conducting practical experiments related to Physics, Biology, and Chemistry among others. The laboratory provides an opportunity for hands-on experimentation which enhances student’s learning experience, enabling them to connect with what they learn in class in a real-world setting.

The Mathematics Resource Center also complements the Science Laboratory by providing students with a space where they can conduct practical mathematics experiments as well as consultations for students who need help in math. Mount Mary College of Education has invested heavily in providing its students with modern facilities that cater to their academic needs.

The library and resource center, computer lab and e-learning center, science laboratory, and mathematics resource center are some of the facilities available that provide students with an opportunity to gain practical experience that will be useful even after graduation. These resources, when combined with competent faculty members and a focus on community outreach, make Mount Mary College of Education stand out as one of the top colleges of education in Ghana.

Unique Features of Mount Mary College of Education

Strong Emphasis on Practical Teaching Experience

Mount Mary College of Education has a unique focus on providing its students with extensive practical teaching experience. This is achieved through the college’s partnership with various schools in the surrounding communities, where students have the opportunity to engage in real-life teaching scenarios. During this time, students are guided and supported by experienced teachers who offer feedback and support to ensure they grow their skills and gain valuable experience early on.

In addition, students at Mount Mary College of Education have access to well-equipped teaching facilities such as classrooms, libraries, and resource centers which help them develop their skills. Through these facilities, they are able to acquire relevant materials that enable them to improve their lesson planning and execute dynamic classroom activities that make learning engaging and interactive for their learners.

Integration of Technology into Teaching Methods

At Mount Mary College of Education, technology plays a crucial role in preparing teachers for the 21st-century classroom. The college integrates technology into every aspect of its programs so that graduates can leverage technology in making learning more effective.

Students learn how to use digital tools including interactive whiteboards, educational software applications, and audio-visual aids among others that help them create a conducive environment for effective learning. The faculty helps students learn how to integrate digital tools into their lesson plans so they can enhance student engagement while fostering collaborative learning environments.

Focus on Community Service and Outreach

Another unique feature of Mount Mary College of Education is its strong emphasis on community service and outreach. The college encourages its students to participate in various community service programs throughout their studies as a way not only of giving back but also to enhance their career prospects after graduation. The programs provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate leadership qualities while applying the knowledge gained from class work during practical situations.

This initiative strengthens ties between the college and the wider community while giving students firsthand experience of life in the classroom. By participating in community service, students acquire a deeper understanding of how issues such as poverty, early childhood education, and social inequality can be tackled using knowledge gained from their studies.

Faculty Members at Mount Mary College of Education

The faculty members at Mount Mary College of Education (MMCE) are highly qualified and experienced educators who are committed to providing a world-class teacher education experience. The college boasts a team of dedicated professionals who possess diverse backgrounds and expertise in various fields related to teaching, learning, and child development. The faculty members have undergone rigorous training in their respective disciplines and are adept at employing innovative teaching methodologies that cater to the unique needs of MMCE students.

Professional backgrounds and qualifications

The MMCE faculty members come from diverse academic backgrounds which include early childhood education, primary education studies, mathematics, science, social studies, and special education among others. Most of them hold advanced degrees such as Master’s and Doctoral degrees in their respective disciplines while some possess professional teaching credentials from reputable institutions. They bring a wealth of knowledge gained through years of research, practice-oriented work experiences, and participation in educational conferences around the world.

Furthermore, the faculty members have been exposed to different educational systems in Ghana and beyond. This exposure has enabled them to develop a holistic understanding of the challenges facing teacher educators in Ghana as well as equip them with innovative strategies for improving educational outcomes for all students.

Experience in teacher education

The MMCE faculty members have extensive experience working with student-teachers at various levels of education. They actively engage with their learners by providing mentorship programs aimed at developing student-teacher skills in instructional design, classroom management techniques as well as assessment strategies.

Moreover, they foster an inclusive learning environment where all students can feel supported while building critical thinking skills necessary for successful careers as teachers. Besides teaching roles within MMCE classrooms, many faculty members serve on boards or committees that shape standards for teacher preparation programs nationally or regionally.

They also contribute to research and scholarship in education and offer professional development opportunities that benefit both the local community as well as the larger education community in Ghana. These experiences make MMCE’s faculty some of the most sought-after teacher educators in the country.

Commitment to student success

The MMCE faculty members are strongly committed to helping students succeed academically, professionally, and personally. They provide individualized attention to their learners through personalized advising sessions, career guidance programs as well as extracurricular activities aimed at developing leadership skills.

Faculty members act as advocates for students by providing additional support when needed and promoting student engagement in various civic activities that cultivate a sense of social responsibility. Additionally, MMCE faculty members provide opportunities for students to participate in field experiences where they can apply what they have learned in real-world settings.

Such experiences facilitate knowledge transfer between the classroom setting and real-world scenarios, enabling students to become more confident educators upon graduation from their program. This commitment has resulted in high levels of student satisfaction with 98% of graduates reporting a positive experience at MMCE.

Student Life at Mount Mary College of Education

Life as a student at Mount Mary College of Education is an exciting experience. The college provides a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages students to grow both academically and personally. The college has several programs and services in place to ensure that students have access to all the resources they need for their success.

Housing options for students

The college offers on-campus housing for students who want to live on campus while studying. The residence halls are spacious, comfortable, and secure, providing students with a conducive environment for learning.

There are also off-campus housing options available for those who prefer to live outside the school premises. The rooms in the residence halls are well-furnished with comfortable beds, desks, chairs, and wardrobes.

Each dorm is equipped with modern amenities such as Wi-Fi connectivity and laundry facilities. The campus security team ensures 24-hour surveillance of the dormitories to ensure the safety of all the occupants.

Extracurricular activities available on campus

Mount Mary College of Education understands that education is not just about academics but also about building well-rounded individuals. Therefore, there are various extracurricular activities available on campus that cater to different interests and hobbies.

The college has clubs and societies such as drama clubs, music clubs, sports clubs, and debate societies among others where students can develop their talents while networking with other like-minded individuals. Students can also participate in sports activities such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball among others held on weekends or during free time after classes.

Opportunities for community involvement

At Mount Mary College of Education, community service is highly encouraged as it helps students develop a sense of responsibility towards their communities. As part of its mandate, the college has established partnerships with various organizations and institutions within its immediate community to offer students opportunities to engage in community service.

Some of the activities that students can participate in include organizing health fairs, planting trees, and cleaning up public areas among others. By participating in these activities, students learn valuable lessons such as teamwork, leadership skills, and empathy while making a positive impact on their communities.

Mount Mary College of Education offers a holistic approach to education by providing a supportive and inclusive environment both inside and outside the classroom.

Its excellent housing options for students, extracurricular activities available on campus, as well as opportunities for community involvement offered at the college, ensures that graduates are not only academically prepared but also socially responsible individuals ready to make an impact in their communities.

Alumni Success Stories from Mount Mary College of Education

Mount Mary College of Education has produced numerous successful alumni who have made significant contributions to their communities. These alumni are highly valued for their exceptional teaching skills, as well as their commitment to inspiring and motivating young learners. Notable among these success stories is Ms. Janet Tetteh, who graduated with a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education from the college.

The impact made by graduates in their communities

Ms. Janet Tetteh has been working as an early childhood educator for over a decade and is currently the headteacher at a prestigious private school in Accra. She credits her success to the quality education she received at Mount Mary College of Education, which provided her with invaluable practical experience and a strong foundation in teaching methodology.

Testimonials from successful alumni

According to Ms. Tetteh, “Mount Mary College of Education provided me with everything I needed to succeed as an educator – excellent faculty members, state-of-the-art facilities, and immersive practical training that prepared me for real-world teaching challenges.” These sentiments are echoed by other successful alumni who credit the college with providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their chosen careers.


The college maintains close relationships with its alumni community through regular networking events and professional development opportunities. Alumni are encouraged to stay connected with the college through volunteering opportunities, guest lectures, or mentoring current students.


Mount Mary College of Education is a top-tier institution that produces highly skilled graduates prepared for fulfilling careers as educators. The college’s programs emphasize practical training alongside theoretical knowledge which allows students to grow into confident teachers ready to make meaningful impacts in communities across Ghana. With its continued focus on student success and support services available even after graduation through its growing alumni network, this college is an ideal choice for anyone seeking a career in education.


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