McCoy College of Education: Location, Courses, Fees and Admission Requirement

McCoy College of Education: Location, Courses, Fees and Admission Requirement

McCoy College of Education is a private institution located in the heart of Abia State, Nigeria. It was founded in 1998 by a group of dedicated educators who wanted to provide high-quality education to students across Nigeria. Today, the college is known for its commitment to academic excellence and its focus on preparing students for successful careers in education.

Read also: Colleges of Education In Nigeria: Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education in Nigeria

Location and Affiliation with Catholic Secretariat

McCoy College of Education is located in Umuahia, Abia State’s capital city. It is situated near numerous businesses, restaurants, and cultural attractions that make it an ideal location for learning and personal growth.

The college is affiliated with Catholic Secretariat which oversees the college’s academic programs and provides additional support to students through various resources such as scholarships and internships. The affiliation with Catholic Secretariat has helped maintain high standards of education while also providing an environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and community engagement.

Importance of Private Education in Nigeria

Private education plays a crucial role in Nigeria’s educational system by providing alternative learning environments where students can receive quality education outside public schools’ limitations. Private institutions like McCoy College offer smaller class sizes that enable teachers to give each student more attention; this means better-individualized instruction tailored toward each student’s needs, style, strengths, and weaknesses.

Private schools also provide a wider range of courses beyond the Nigerian secondary school curriculum meeting the global standard aided with up-to-date facilities; they offer extracurricular activities such as sports teams or music groups that help promote social skills development beyond academics alone.

Another significant benefit private schools offer in Nigeria is their contribution to employment opportunities for qualified personnel within the nation’s educational system. Thus private schools are instrumental in developing a well-rounded education for students and creating employment opportunities for the nation’s workforce.

The Founding and Early Years of McCoy College of Education

McCoy College of Education was founded in 2005 by the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria. The college was established to provide quality education for aspiring teachers who wish to make a difference in the Nigerian educational system.

The college commenced academic activities in 2006 with only three academic programs, namely: Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE), Pre-NCE, and Diploma in Computer Science. The early years of McCoy College of Education were marked by significant challenges that tested the resolve and determination of both students and staff.

These challenges included inadequate funding, lack of infrastructure, and insufficient academic resources, among others. However, despite these obstacles, the college remained committed to its vision to produce highly skilled and competent teachers.

Growth and Expansion Over Time

Over time, McCoy College of Education has grown steadily both in terms of size and reputation. The college has expanded its range of academic programs to include Bachelor’s degree programs in Education across various disciplines.

Additionally, it has also introduced Postgraduate diploma programs in Education as well as professional certification courses for teachers seeking continuous professional development. As part of its expansion strategy, McCoy College established satellite campuses across several states within the country including Lagos State University (LASU) Campus at Ojo Lagos State where it offers Bachelor’s degree courses such as Business Administration (Accounting Option), Economics with Statistics Option), Computer Science (Mathematics option), Political Science (Public Administration option).

Current Status and Reputation

Today, McCoy College is one of the most prestigious private colleges in Nigeria known for producing graduates that are well-equipped with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for success in their chosen careers. The college boasts an excellent record when it comes to producing graduates who obtain employment immediately after graduation.

Furthermore, McCoy College is accredited by the National Commission for Colleges Of Education (NCCE) and affiliated with renowned universities such as Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, and the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. This accreditation and affiliation have contributed significantly to the college’s reputation as a center of excellence for teacher education in Nigeria.

Academic Programs Offered at McCoy College of Education

Bachelor’s degree programs in Education

McCoy College of Education offers a range of bachelor’s degree programs in Education. The courses are designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the principles and practices of teaching, as well as to help them develop the skills necessary to become successful educators.

The available programs include Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degrees, which are available in various areas such as Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), Primary Education Studies (PES), Business Education, and Guidance and Counseling. The B.Sc.

program is designed for students who want to focus on a specific area within education, such as mathematics or science. On the other hand, the B.Ed.

program is geared towards those who want a more general education degree that covers all aspects of teaching. Both programs require students to complete a minimum number of credits and practical teaching experience before graduation.

Postgraduate diploma programs in Education

McCoy College also offers postgraduate diploma programs in education for graduates who wish to further their studies beyond the bachelor’s level. These courses are particularly suited for individuals who already have some professional experience but would like to advance their knowledge or develop new skills.

Some examples of postgraduate diploma courses offered by McCoy include Postgraduate Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (PGDECE) and Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance & Counseling Studies.

These courses are designed to meet the needs of different groups; they enable graduates from non-teaching disciplines or those with inadequate teacher training qualifications to acquire professional certification for employment as teachers or educators at all levels within school systems.

Professional certification courses for teachers

McCoy College recognizes that professional development is important for teachers throughout their careers. To this end, they offer a range of professional certification courses that help teachers continue to grow and develop as professionals.

These courses are designed for practicing teachers who want to enhance their knowledge and skills, or those seeking to enter the profession through alternative certification routes. Some of the certification courses offered at McCoy College include Professional Certificate in Education (PCE), Teachers Professional Diploma (TPD), and National Certificate in Education (NCE) among others.

The PCE course covers topics such as teaching methodology, classroom management, and assessment methods, while the TPD focuses on leadership development and curriculum design. The NCE is a certificate awarded by the National Council of Education (NCTE) after passing a qualifying exam or assessment in Nigeria.

Overall, McCoy College offers a range of academic programs for individuals seeking to build their careers in education. Whether you are an aspiring teacher or a seasoned professional looking to enhance your skills, there is something on offer at McCoy that is sure to meet your needs.

Faculty and Staff at McCoy College of Education

Overview of faculty members’ Qualifications

The faculty at McCoy College of Education are highly qualified and experienced professionals in their respective fields. The majority hold advanced degrees in education, with many holding doctorates. In addition to their academic credentials, the faculty bring a wealth of experience from years of teaching, research, and professional practice.

The college places a high value on continuing education and encourages its faculty to participate in ongoing professional development activities. As such, many are actively engaged in research or other scholarly pursuits that help keep them up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in education.

Role of staff members in supporting students’ academic success

In addition to the highly-qualified faculty members, McCoy College of Education also employs a dedicated team of support staff. These individuals play a key role in ensuring that students receive the help they need to succeed both academically and personally.

Staff members provide assistance with everything from registration and financial aid applications to career counseling and job placement services. They also work closely with students to identify any areas where they may be struggling academically or personally, offering guidance and resources as needed.

Student-to-faculty ratio

One important factor that sets McCoy College of Education apart from other institutions is its low student-to-faculty ratio. This means that students benefit from personalized attention from their professors both inside and outside the classroom. With fewer students per professor than many other schools, instructors can take time to get to know each student on an individual basis.

This allows them to tailor their teaching approach to meet each student’s unique needs while also providing more one-on-one attention when needed. Overall, the combination of highly-qualified faculty members, dedicated support staff, and a low student-to-faculty ratio make McCoy College of Education an excellent choice for students who are serious about pursuing a career in education.

Campus Life at McCoy College of Education

Campus facilities, including library, computer lab, and sports facilities

The campus of McCoy College of Education is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to ensure that students have access to all the resources they need to succeed academically. The library is well-stocked with a wide range of books, journals, and other educational materials.

Students can access online databases and e-books through the college’s reliable Wi-Fi network. The computer lab at McCoy College is equipped with modern computers that run the latest software programs.

The lab is open 24/7 to allow students to work on assignments and research projects outside regular class hours. Additionally, there are dedicated IT support staff available to assist students who encounter any technical problems.

Sports facilities on campus include a well-maintained football field, basketball court, volleyball court, and a gymnasium. These spaces provide opportunities for students to engage in physical activities as part of their overall wellness goals.

Student organizations and extracurricular activities offered on campus

McCoy College boasts a vibrant community of student organizations that cater to diverse interests such as the debating society, drama club, and music society among others. These groups provide an avenue for students with similar interests or passions to come together and pursue various extracurricular activities such as talent shows or cultural festivals.

In addition to student-run organizations on campus, there are also several events planned throughout the academic year that encourage student participation beyond academics. For instance; annual inter-college cultural events featuring performances by dance troupes from different regions in Nigeria are organized by colleges across the federation.

Housing options for students

McCoy College offers affordable housing options within close proximity of the college premises. Female dormitories are located within walking distance from classrooms while male dormitories are situated just off-campus but easily accessible. The dormitories are equipped with modern amenities such as internet access, electricity, water supply, and 24/7 security services.

For students who prefer a more independent living arrangement, there are off-campus housing options available. Many affordable apartment complexes are located within the vicinity of the college campus, which students can rent without much hassle.

However, most of the off-campus apartments come unfurnished so students need to be prepared to furnish their apartments themselves. Overall, McCoy College of Education C/O Catholic Secretariat (Private) provides a conducive learning environment that promotes academic excellence while nurturing holistic development among students through campus activities and comfortable living spaces.

Admissions Process at McCoy College Of Education C/O Catholic Secretariat (Private)

The application process for undergraduate and postgraduate programs

The admissions process for McCoy College of Education is highly competitive, as the institution has a reputation for academic excellence. The college offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs in education, and the admissions requirements differ between these two categories.

For undergraduate programs, applicants must have completed their secondary education with a minimum of five credits in relevant subjects. They must also have passed the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination with a minimum score of 180.

Additionally, applicants must provide evidence of their involvement in extracurricular activities and community service. For postgraduate programs, applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution, preferably in education or a related field.

They must also provide official transcripts from all previous institutions attended, demonstrating high academic achievement. Applicants will need to submit two letters of recommendation from academic or professional references that speak to their qualifications for graduate study.

Application deadlines and procedures

The application deadline for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs varies depending on the program; however, generally, applications are open between April to August each year.

Students who wish to apply should begin by submitting an online application through the college’s website or by obtaining forms from designated sales points which include Zenith Bank branches across Nigeria.

Students who apply online can upload required documents digitally while those submitting physical copies need to send all required documentation along with payment receipts via courier services.

After completing an application form or submission online, applicants should keep track of admission notifications which will be communicated via the email/phone number they provided during registration. The status updates could be positive (admission offer) negative (unsuccessful) placed on the waiting list etcetera.

Tuition fees structure

McCoy College of Education is a private institution, and as such, tuition fees are relatively high. The cost of tuition varies between undergraduate and postgraduate programs, as well as whether the program is full-time or part-time. However, scholarships are available for meritorious students who demonstrate financial need.

For undergraduate programs, the cost of tuition ranges from N400,000 to N600,000 per academic year depending on course requirements while postgraduate programs range from N500,000 to N700,000 per academic year. This fee covers tuition and other academic expenses such as textbooks and laboratory fees.

In addition to the tuition fee structure which may be subject to change annually, students have to factor in accommodation costs if they choose not to live off-campus.

While it can be expensive for some students there are many scholarship opportunities available that can help ease the burden of paying for education at McCoy College Of Education C/O Catholic Secretariat (Private).

Career Opportunities for Graduates from McCoy College Of Education C/O Catholic Secretariat (Private)


The most obvious career path for graduates of McCoy College of Education is teaching. With the solid foundation and training they receive, graduates are well-equipped to teach in both public and private schools.

They can teach at the primary or secondary levels and even in higher institutions of learning. Additionally, they can specialize in various areas such as Mathematics, English Language, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education, and Fine Arts among others.

Educational Administrator

Graduates can also pursue a career as an educational administrator. This involves managing schools or educational programs at different levels.

Educational administrators are responsible for ensuring that the school’s curriculum meets state and federal standards. They manage teachers and other staff members and also interact with parents to ensure a conducive learning environment.

Educational Consultant

Another career path that is open to graduates of McCoy College of Education is education consulting. As an education consultant, one provides guidance to schools on issues such as curriculum development, teacher training, and assessment techniques among others. Educational consultants can work independently or under consulting firms.


McCoy College Of Education C/O Catholic Secretariat (Private) offers its students not only quality but practical education which equips them with skills required for their future careers whether in Nigeria or globally. Graduates are well-rounded individuals capable of impacting society positively through their jobs or self-employed ventures. A degree from this college is highly valued by employers due to its reputation for producing well-trained professionals who have a strong foundation in education and skills that transcend beyond theoretical knowledge.

As we look into the future it is clear that there will be an increased need for quality educators who will help shape the next generation of leaders both locally and internationally. Graduates from McCoy College of Education C/O Catholic Secretariat (Private) are well-equipped to meet this demand and make a significant impact in their chosen careers, ultimately contributing to the development of Nigeria as a nation.


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