Courses Offered At Ashesi University – All Listed Below

If are you searching for courses offered at Ashesi University, then you are at the right place since this university courses offered guide we are going to discuss courses or programs offered at Ashesi University.


Ashesi Institution is a non-profit private university in Accra, Ghana. Ashesi University’s aim is to educate ethical, entrepreneurial leaders in Africa by instilling critical thinking skills, compassion for others, and the fortitude required to alter the continent in students.

The President of Ghana granted Ashesi University a Charter in 2018, allowing it complete independence as a nationally recognized degree-granting school.

In Ghana’s history, it was the youngest university to be given a Presidential Charter. The Association of African Universities, the Council of Independent Universities, and the Association of Commonwealth Universities are all members of the Association of Independent Universities.


Courses or programmes offered at the Ashesi Universities had grouped their courses or programmes under schools and faculties, find below all the courses offered at Ashesi University according to their faculties and schools.

Below are the officially recognized or authorized available undergraduate degree programmes offered at Ashesi University per faculty, e.g. admission requirements, a general outline, and career options.

Humanities & Social Sciences

Below is the complete list of all the courses and programmes offered under humanities and social sciences

Faculty of Business, Arts & Social Sciences

  • Multidisciplinary core curriculum

Business Administration

Faculty of Business, Arts & Social Sciences

  • Sc. Business Administration

Computer Science & Information Systems

Below is the complete list of all the courses and programmes offered under computer science and information systems

Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science

  • Sc. Computer Science
  • Sc. Management Information Systems

Engineering Courses offered at  Ashesi University

Below is the complete list of all the courses and programmes offered under the school of engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science

  • Sc. Computer Engineering
  • Sc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  • Sc. Mechanical Engineering
  • Sc. Mechatronic Engineering
  • Phil. Mechatronic Engineering
  • MAS Mechatronic Engineering (awarded through ETH Zürich)

Hope you enjoyed the courses offered at Ashesi University

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