Cambridge Teacher Training College (Pvt) Kumasi: A Guide to Excellence in Education

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi is a renowned college that specializes in teacher training programs in Ghana. The college has a reputation for providing quality education and producing highly skilled teachers who are prepared to meet the demands of the modern teaching profession.

This article will provide an in-depth overview of the college, including its history, mission and vision, campus and facilities, academic programs offered, faculty and staff, admission requirements and process, curriculum development, teaching methodology, student life, and alumni network.

Brief History of Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi was established in 2009 as part of efforts to address the shortage of qualified teachers in Ghana. The college started with just a handful of students but has since grown to become one of the leading teacher-training colleges in the country. Over the years, it has produced hundreds of skilled teachers who have gone on to make significant contributions to education at various levels.

Overview of the College’s Mission and Vision

The mission of Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi is to provide quality teacher education that meets international standards while remaining relevant to local needs. The college aims to produce competent and innovative teachers who are able to use their knowledge and skills to inspire learning among their students.

In pursuit of its mission, Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi has set a number of objectives which include providing relevant teacher training programs that prepare students for effective teaching; fostering a culture of research among students; promoting ethical values among its graduates; creating partnerships with other institutions that share similar goals; and promoting excellence through continuous improvement.

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This article will provide valuable insights into what makes Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi one of the best teacher training colleges in Ghana.

It will explore various aspects such as the campus facilities, academic programs, admission requirements and process, curriculum development, teaching methodology, student life, and alumni network. By the end of this article, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of the college’s history, mission, and vision.

Campus and Facilities

Location and Size of the Campus

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi is located in the bustling city of Kumasi, which is situated in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The college’s campus is located in a serene environment, away from the hustle and bustle of the city center. The campus covers an area of 10 acres, providing ample space for students to engage in learning and extracurricular activities.

Description of Buildings and Classrooms

The buildings on the Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi campus are modern, spacious, and designed with students’ comfort in mind. The classrooms are well-ventilated, enabling effective learning to take place. They are also equipped with modern technology that facilitates teaching and learning.

The library at Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi is extensive and well-stocked with books relevant to all courses offered at the college. This ensures that students have access to relevant resources for their studies both on-campus or remotely.

Amenities Available for Students

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi has a range of amenities available for its students. For instance, there are student lounges where they can relax after lectures or during breaks. There’s also a cafeteria where students can buy food and drinks.

Additionally, there’s a shuttle service that operates between the campus and designated locations within Kumasi to ensure easy transportation for both domestic & international students.

The college has multiple sports facilities on its premises which include outdoor fields used for soccer games as well as indoor courts used for basketball games or fitness training activities throughout each semester.

Students can engage themselves in various recreational activities such as swimming lessons from certified lifeguards onsite. Overall, Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi provides an environment conducive to learning by offering top-notch facilities that cater to all student needs.

Academic Programs Offered

An Overview of the Different Programs Offered at Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi offers an array of academic programs to cater to the diverse needs of students. The college currently offers programs in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Junior High School Education, Business Studies, and Information Technology. These training programs are designed to equip students with the necessary skills and competencies required for teaching or working effectively in their respective fields.

Detailed Information on Each Program: Course Requirements, Duration, and Outcomes

Early Childhood Education is a 2-year program that focuses on developing knowledge and skills relevant to teaching young children. Students acquire theoretical knowledge on child development, learning theories, and pedagogical practices that enable them to create stimulating learning environments for children.

The program also emphasizes practical training through classroom observations, teaching practice in schools affiliated with the college, and organizing events for children. Primary Education is a 3-year program designed specifically for individuals who aspire to become primary school teachers.

Students gain a deep understanding of primary education by studying various subjects such as Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies alongside contemporary issues such as inclusive education. Practical training is provided through classroom observations under the supervision of experienced teachers.

The Junior High School (JHS) Program is a 2-year course aimed at equipping students with the pedagogical skills needed to teach JHS students effectively. It covers topics such as subject-specific instruction techniques for Mathematics, Science, and English language instruction; assessment methods; student-centered approaches; diversity in classrooms among others.

Students also have practical experience during their teaching practicum at partner schools which helps prepare them well for their future careers. The business Studies & Information Technology program provides empirical knowledge about business studies along with computer application concepts applied in real-world business scenarios like financial accounting systems, business information systems, database management systems, and project management.

Graduates of the program can assume various job roles like Business Analysts, IT consultants, and Project Coordinators among others. Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi offers a range of programs that prepare students for a career in education and other related fields.

The College lays great emphasis on hands-on practical training which is evident through the teaching practicum opportunities it provides in affiliated schools. The diverse programs offered, along with rigorous academic coursework and practical training demonstrate how the college enables its students to achieve their academic goals while also imparting important life skills.

Faculty and Staff

Qualifications of Faculty Members

The faculty members at Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi are highly qualified and experienced in their respective fields. Each faculty member has a bachelor’s or master’s degree in education, with many holding additional certifications in areas such as special education and teaching English as a second language.

To ensure that the college maintains its high standards of academic excellence, all faculty members undergo regular professional development training to stay up-to-date with the latest educational research and trends. In addition to their academic credentials, the faculty members at Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi have extensive teaching experience.

Many have taught at reputable institutions both locally and internationally, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the college. This ensures that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in their chosen careers.

Staff Roles and Responsibilities

The staff at Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi plays an important role in providing support services to students. The administrative staff is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the college, including student enrollment, scheduling classes, financial management, and maintaining student records.

On the other hand, the student support services team is responsible for providing counseling services to students on academic matters as well as personal issues that may affect their academic performance. The team also provides guidance on career choices after graduation from different programs offered by the college.

There is also a technical support team responsible for maintaining equipment such as computers and projectors used by both faculty members during class lectures/ presentations or by students using computer labs available 24/7 on campus. With these dedicated staff members fulfilling various roles within the college community, students can be assured of receiving comprehensive support throughout their studies at Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi.

Admission Requirements and Process

Details on Admission Requirements for Prospective Students

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi has strict admission requirements to ensure that only the most qualified applicants are admitted. Prospective students must have a minimum of six credits at the Senior High School level, including English Language, Mathematics, and Science. Additionally, applicants must pass an entrance examination and undergo an interview with the admissions committee.

The college offers various programs at different levels of education, including certificate, diploma, and degree programs. For international students seeking admission to Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi, it is necessary to have their academic qualifications evaluated by a recognized body in Ghana.

This evaluation is to ensure that their qualifications meet Ghanaian educational standards. International students will also need to provide proof of proficiency in English through standardized tests like TOEFL or IELTS.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying to Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi

The application process for Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi is straightforward and easy to follow. Below is a step-by-step guide on how prospective students can apply:

  1. Visit the college’s website or campus admissions office: The first step in applying for admission is either visiting the college website or going directly to the admissions office located on campus.
  2. Obtain an application form: Applicants can request an application form from the admissions office or download it from the college’s website.
  3. Fill out the application form: Fill out all required fields accurately and completely.
  4. Attach supporting documents: Applicants should attach all necessary supporting documents like academic credentials, proof of proficiency in English(unless English was their first language), passport photograph(s), etc.
  5. Submit your completed application package: Submit your completed application package either online or by post/courier service if you downloaded it from the college website. 6. Entrance Examination: Upon the receipt of application, applicants who meet the admission requirements will be contacted to sit for an entrance examination on a scheduled date.
  1. Interview: Successful applicants after the entrance examination will be invited for an interview with the Admissions Committee and from there, they will receive a decision on their application. Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi is committed to providing quality teacher education and training programs to students.

The admission process is rigorous but straightforward, and only eligible applicants are admitted into the college. Prospective students can follow these simple steps to apply and begin their journey toward becoming professional teachers in Ghana and beyond.

Curriculum Development

The Process Involved in Developing a Curriculum

Developing a curriculum is an essential process that involves several stages. The first step is to conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify the critical skills and knowledge required for students in their future careers.

After identifying the needs, the next step is to design the curriculum around those needs. At Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi, they follow this process by involving educators with vast experience in teaching and learning.

They also involve industry professionals to ensure that the curriculum covers all necessary skills and knowledge required in specific industries. Once they have designed the curriculum, they pilot it to determine its effectiveness before rolling it out completely.

This allows them to identify any gaps or areas that need improvement before students begin using it. They continually review and modify their curricula regularly based on feedback from industry experts and education regulators.

How They Ensure that Their Curriculum Meets International Standards

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi strives to develop curricula that meet international standards by following a rigorous process of research, development, implementation, and evaluation. They ensure that their curricula meet international standards by benchmarking them against other institutions globally.

They also regularly review their programs against best practices worldwide while considering local regulations and cultural differences. To achieve this goal, Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi collaborates with industry professionals worldwide to create programs aligned with current trends in various sectors of employment across different countries.

Additionally, they frequently attend conferences and seminars where experts share insights into new developments or advancements in different fields. Their efforts have paid off since many graduates have gone on to work successfully across various continents globally after completing their studies at Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi.

Teaching Methodology

A Unique Approach to Teaching

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi prides itself in its unique approach to teaching. The college uses a student-centered approach that focuses on the individual needs of each student. This approach ensures that students are not just receiving an education, but they are also being prepared for the real world.

The college believes that it is not enough to just teach academic concepts; students must also be prepared for life outside of the classroom. The college uses a combination of teaching methods that include lectures, discussions, and practical applications.

Lectures are used to introduce new concepts and theories, while discussions provide an opportunity for students to ask questions and clarify their understanding. Practical applications involve hands-on activities such as projects and fieldwork which allow students to apply what they have learned in real-life situations.

Effective Teaching Methods

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi ensures that its teaching methods are effective by using a variety of strategies. One such strategy is formative assessment, which involves giving feedback to students throughout their learning process rather than at the end of a course or program.

This allows students to make necessary adjustments before it’s too late. Another effective strategy used by the college is differentiated instruction.

This involves tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs of each student based on their strengths, weaknesses, and learning style preferences. By doing this, teachers can ensure that all students receive a quality education regardless of their background or circumstances.

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi has embraced technology as an integral part of its teaching methodology. The use of digital tools such as online platforms and multimedia resources enables teachers to create dynamic and interactive lessons which enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

The Role of Teachers in Effective Teaching

At Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi, teachers play a crucial role in ensuring that the teaching methods are effective. To achieve this goal, the college ensures that its teachers are highly qualified and experienced.

Teachers are also expected to keep up-to-date with the latest teaching methodologies and technologies through continuous professional development. Furthermore, teachers at the college are encouraged to collaborate with their colleagues to share best practices and innovative ideas.

This collaboration is vital as it enables teachers to learn from each other’s experiences and develop strategies that work best for their students. Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi has developed a unique approach to teaching that focuses on individual student needs.

The college ensures its teaching methods are effective by using a variety of strategies such as formative assessment, differentiated instruction, and technology integration. The role of teachers in ensuring effective teaching cannot be overstated; they play a crucial role in designing and implementing quality education programs.

Student Life

The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

At Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi, we believe that education is not just about academics. We understand the importance of extracurricular activities in shaping a student’s overall development.

Therefore, we provide a wide range of extracurricular activities to our students. These activities include sports, drama, music, and other cultural and social activities.

Our sports teams participate in various intercollegiate tournaments and matches, giving our students the opportunity to showcase their talents and compete with their peers. Similarly, our drama club puts up plays throughout the year that are always well-attended by both students and staff.

Our music club has produced some talented musicians who have gone on to pursue successful careers in the field. We encourage all our students to participate in at least one extracurricular activity as it helps them develop teamwork skills, leadership qualities and provides an outlet for creativity.

Student Support Services

We understand that college life can be challenging for some students which is why we offer a variety of support services to ensure that they have a smooth academic journey at Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi. Our academic advisors are always available to help students with course selection or answer any questions they might have about their classes or studies. Additionally, we have tutoring programs available for those who need extra support outside of class time.

We also offer mental health services such as counseling sessions for those who may be experiencing emotional distress or anxiety due to academic pressure or personal issues. We strive to create an environment where all our students feel valued and supported throughout their academic journey.

Alumni Network

Building Long-Term Relationships

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi places a significant emphasis on building and maintaining long-term relationships with its alumni. The college believes that these relationships are critical in fostering the continued growth and development of both the alumni and the institution.

The alumni network serves as a platform for networking opportunities, job referral services, and volunteer opportunities. Alumni also have access to career counseling and guidance programs offered through the college.

Continuing Education Programs

Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi offers continuing education programs exclusively for its alumni, allowing them to further their education and professional development. These programs are designed to enhance skills, broaden their knowledge base, and deepen their understanding of various subjects relevant to their careers or interests. Alumni can take advantage of these opportunities through online courses or attend classes on campus.

Career Opportunities & Support

The college provides career support services that help students find jobs after graduation by connecting them to potential employers in their field of study. The alumni network also serves as a platform for job referrals among members who are already established in their professions. This network allows new graduates to tap into a wealth of resources with an established support system willing to help them achieve success.


Cambridge Teacher Training College (Private) Kumasi’s alumni network is an essential part of the institution’s continuing success. By providing support services such as career counseling, educational programming, networking opportunities, job referrals, volunteerism guidance, social activities & events that offer former students concrete ways to stay connected with each other while remaining involved in the larger community; This community remains vibrant long after graduation day comes and goes.

Graduates from Cambridge Teacher Training College can enjoy camaraderie with other successful individuals who share similar academic goals & professional interests!


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