Accra College of Education Legon

Accra College of Education Legon

Ghana is a country with a rich history and culture, and education has been at the forefront of its development. One important aspect of Ghana’s education system is teacher education, which is crucial for building a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. Accra College of Education (ACE) plays an important role in this endeavor by providing quality teacher training programs to its students.

Brief History of Accra College of Education

Accra College of Education was established in 1929 as the Government Training College (GTC) and was located in Sekondi-Takoradi. The college later moved to Achimota in 1948 before finally settling at its current location in Adenta, Accra in 2007. Over the years, the college has undergone several changes including name changes from GTC to Specialist Training College, then to Advanced Teacher Training College before finally becoming Accra College of Education.

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The college aims at providing relevant knowledge and skills to teachers that will enable them to teach effectively, impart moral values and encourage creativity among their pupils/students. This focus on imparting moral values is particularly important given the increasing incidence of social vices among the youth.

Importance of Teacher Education in Ghana

Teacher education is critical for national development because it determines the quality of human resources that are being developed for various sectors including health, commerce, finance, and technology among others. In Ghana, teacher education has undergone significant reforms over the years aimed at improving quality and relevance according to changing societal needs.

Teacher training programs equip teachers with knowledge and skills that enable them not only to teach effectively but also to manage classrooms, design curricular materials as well as enable them to impart good morals to their pupils/students. As such teacher educators have an enormous responsibility not only in shaping individual destinies but also to determine society’s future.

Purpose of the Outline

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Accra College of Education, including its history, academic programs offered, admission requirements, faculty and staff, student life, teaching practice and internship opportunities, and research opportunities. This information will be beneficial to prospective students who wish to pursue a career in teacher education as well as other stakeholders who may be interested in the college’s activities.

Overview of Accra College of Education

Accra College of Education is one of the oldest and most prestigious teacher training institutions in Ghana. It was founded in 1929 as a teacher-training college for women and has since grown to become a coeducational institution that offers various academic programs in education. The college is located in the heart of Accra, the capital city of Ghana, and occupies a serene and spacious campus that provides an ideal learning environment for students.

Location and Campus Facilities

The campus is located at Victoria Borg, close to the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital. It covers an area of about 60 acres and consists of modern buildings with state-of-the-art facilities such as classrooms, lecture halls, laboratories, libraries with e-learning resources, computer labs with internet access as well as sports facilities including football fields, and basketball courts among others. The campus is also equipped with dormitories that house both male and female students during their studies at the institution.

Academic Programs Offered

The Accra College of Education offers four main academic programs including diploma programs in Basic Education (DBE) which is a three-year program designed to provide students with practical teaching skills to teach at the basic level schools; Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Early Childhood Education (ECE), Bachelor’s Degree (B.Ed.) Early Childhood Education is designed to equip students with practical knowledge of how children’s early years shape their cognitive development; Bachelor’s Degree (B.Ed.) Primary Education Studies which focuses on equipping teachers with skills needed for teaching pupils at the primary school level; Post-Diploma Program in Basic Education (PDBE), available to graduates who want to upgrade their diploma qualification from DBE to BEd through further studies.

Diploma in Basic Education

The Diploma in Basic Education (DBE) is a three-year program that seeks to produce knowledgeable and skilled basic school teachers. The program covers a wide range of subjects including Mathematics, Science, English Language, Social Studies, and Ghanaian Language.

Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education

The Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a four-year program designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge needed for teaching children from birth to the age of eight. The program covers theoretical and practical courses that focus on child development, educational psychology, curriculum development, and language development among others.

Bachelor of Education in Primary Education Studies

The Bachelor of Education in Primary Education Studies (PES) is a four-year program designed for students who want to specialize in teaching at the primary level. The program provides theoretical and practical courses that cover subjects like Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies among others which help develop skills needed for effective classroom management and delivery.

Post-Diploma Program in Basic Education (PDBE)

The Post-Diploma Program in Basic Education (PDBE) is available to graduates who want to upgrade their diploma qualification from DBE to BEd through further studies. It takes two years for graduates with DBE certificates to complete this course work after which they would be awarded a Bachelor’s Degree Certificate.

Admission Requirements

The Accra College of Education has strict admission requirements for all its academic programs. Generally, prospective students must have completed Senior Secondary School or its equivalence with good grades, especially in core subjects such as Mathematics and English Language. They also undergo an interview process where they are tested on their suitability for the academic programs offered by the institution before being admitted.

Overall, Accra College of Education is an excellent choice for students interested in pursuing a career in teaching or upgrading their skills and knowledge as teachers. The institution offers quality academic programs, modern facilities, and qualified faculty committed to providing students with the necessary tools and resources needed to be successful teachers.

Faculty and Staff at Accra College of Education

Number and Qualifications of Teaching Staff

The quality and experience of faculty members are critical in shaping the overall quality of teacher education at Accra College of Education. The college has a total number of 106 teaching staff, with most holding Master’s degrees and PhDs in their respective fields.

Additionally, all teaching staff at the college are required to have a minimum qualification of a Bachelor’s degree in Education or related fields. To ensure that students receive quality instruction, Accra College of Education employs a rigorous process for hiring qualified teachers.

The selection process includes examination, interview, demonstration lessons, and reference checks to verify the academic qualifications and teaching experience of each candidate. This process helps guarantee that only the most qualified candidates join the college’s faculty.

Furthermore, most instructors at Accra College of Education have vast experience in both teaching and research as well as active involvement in professional organizations relevant to their field. This ensures that they stay current with advancements in their subject area while providing valuable knowledge to students.

Support Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Accra College of Education has an excellent support staff team that plays an essential role in ensuring smooth operations within the institution. These support staff members work tirelessly behind the scenes to provide essential services for students, faculty members, and visitors alike. The support team is made up of various departments such as administrative support staff who handle day-to-day operations like student registration, record-keeping, and admissions processing among others while others deal with financial aid packages for needy students.

Furthermore, there are other crucial departments such as campus security who play an important role in safeguarding campus property as well as ensuring safety within the institution’s premises. The IT department is responsible for managing technological systems such as computer labs used by both students and faculty members.

Ultimately without reliable support from these departments like the library, cafeteria, and housing services, the college would be unable to function effectively. Their dedication reinforces a culture of excellence at Accra College of Education.

Student Life at Accra College of Education

Housing options for students on campus

Accra College of Education offers several housing options for students, both on and off campus. The on-campus dormitories are designed to accommodate a significant number of students with separate accommodation for both male and female students.

Each room has basic amenities like a bed, study table, chair, and wardrobe. Additionally, there are communal bathrooms and kitchen facilities on each floor.

The college also has off-campus housing options in the form of private hostels situated outside the campus. These hostels offer more comfortable living arrangements with en-suite bathrooms, air conditioning units in each room, and access to a common kitchen.

Students who opt for off-campus accommodation have the freedom to select any hostel or rental property that suits their preferences and budget. However, they must notify the college authorities about their chosen accommodation ahead of time.

Extracurricular activities available for students

Accra College of Education encourages students to engage in extracurricular activities beyond academics as a way to foster holistic development. The institution offers a wide range of sports and social clubs where students can pursue their interests. Sports enthusiasts can participate in football, basketball, volleyball or table tennis teams organized by the college sports department against other colleges or universities in Ghana.

For those who enjoy artistic pursuits such as music or drama, there is an active drama club that stages theatrical productions throughout the academic year. Additionally, there are cultural clubs that celebrate various ethnicities represented at Accra College of Education such as Ewe Club or Ga Mantse Club among others which provide opportunities for networking with individuals from diverse backgrounds while promoting cultural exchange.

Student organizations

Accra College of Education boasts a vibrant student life through various student organizations aimed at promoting leadership skills development among its student body. These organizations include the Students Representative Council (SRC), National Service Personnel Association, and the Public Relations Unit. The Students Representative Council (SRC) is made up of elected student representatives who act as a liaison between students and the college administration.

They represent the interests of students on issues that affect them such as welfare, academic policies, and social events. The National Service Personnel Association comprises all final-year students who are preparing to undertake their mandatory one-year service with various institutions across Ghana.

This association provides a platform for sharing experiences, ideas, and networking among graduating students. The Public Relations Unit serves as an interface between Accra College of Education and external stakeholders.

Its main role is to promote positive publicity about the institution while managing any negative press that may arise. Student members of this unit gain valuable experience in public relations and marketing skills through organizing events promoting the college’s image.

Teaching Practice and Internship Opportunities at Accra College of Education

Description and Requirements for Teaching Practice

Teaching practice is an integral part of the academic program at Accra College of Education. This practical component aims to develop the teaching skills of students, as well as provide them with real-time classroom experience to supplement their theoretical knowledge.

The teaching practice program takes place during the second year of study for diploma students and in the third and fourth years for degree students. Students are required to complete 12 weeks of teaching practice in a primary school setting under the supervision of a trained mentor teacher.

During this period, students are expected to demonstrate their ability to teach effectively, manage classrooms, design lesson plans, assess student learning outcomes, and adapt lessons to diverse student needs. To qualify for teaching practice, students must have a certain cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and undergo certification from the college’s teaching practice office.

Partnerships with Schools for Internship Opportunities

Accra College of Education has established partnerships with several primary schools across Ghana to provide internship opportunities for its students. These partnerships offer a unique chance for pre-service teachers to apply their learning in real-world settings while developing professional networks in local communities. Students who participate in internship programs have access to experienced mentor teachers who guide them through the practical components of their coursework while offering feedback on their progress throughout their internship period.

The college also provides regular monitoring visits and support services during this period. The internship program provides an opportunity for future teachers to build strong connections within local communities while developing critical skills that can be applied beyond graduation.

Innovation in Teaching Practice

One key innovation that sets Accra College of Education’s teaching practice apart is its use of technology as a tool for instruction. With technological advancements becoming increasingly prevalent in modern-day classrooms worldwide, the college has integrated this into its teaching practice. Students are exposed to digital tools such as interactive whiteboards, educational software, and learning management systems (LMS) that help them develop innovative approaches to teaching and learning.

Additionally, students are trained in how to effectively use technology in the classroom to enhance the delivery of their lessons and improve student engagement. This innovation prepares students for the dynamic future of education globally, where technology is expected to play a significant role in teaching and learning processes.

Research Opportunities at Accra College of Education

Research Areas Covered by Faculty Members

The faculty members at Accra College of Education are highly accomplished researchers, and they cover a wide range of research areas. Some of the research focuses include educational psychology, science education, early childhood education, literacy development in primary schools, and educational policy and planning. The faculty members engage in both basic and applied research to improve teaching quality and student learning outcomes.

One notable initiative is the Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Research Program led by Dr. Akwasi Asabere-Ameyaw. This program aims to promote STEM education in basic schools by providing training for teachers on best practices for teaching STEM subjects.

Research Projects Undertaken by Students

Accra College of Education encourages students to participate in research projects as part of their academic experience. Students can select a topic related to their field of study and work with a faculty member to complete the project. Some recent student-led projects include investigating the impact of COVID-19 on teaching and learning in Ghanaian schools, exploring factors that affect reading comprehension among primary school students, and examining strategies for improving support for students with learning disabilities.

Through these research opportunities, students are able to develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, data analysis, and communication. These skills are valuable in any profession they choose to pursue after graduation.


Accra College of Education offers numerous research opportunities for both faculty members and students. Through these programs, the college is able to make significant contributions toward improving education quality in Ghana. The college’s commitment to innovative solutions ensures that it remains at the forefront in preparing teachers who will positively impact future generations.


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